The Process of Adoption Essay Example

📌Category: Family
📌Words: 1108
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 25 July 2022

In the United States, many families want to adopt from foster care. Statistics show about 117,000 children in foster care were waiting to be adopted in 2020. Adoption rates were at an all-time high in 2020, with 57,900 children adopted. More children are looking for a place they can call their home. The adoption process from foster care is long and tedious, but the outcome for families is something worth waiting on.

The first step of adopting is to educate yourself, contact an agency, and attend an orientation meeting. When getting information to educate yourself, most families said it to be easier to talk to another family that adopted to learn about the process and information needed. I agree with this statement because if you are not educated and ready for the second step, how are you going to be ready for adoption? Also, if hear about experiences from other families, you may realize that you do not want to adopt anymore or you might feel the need to adopt more. “Public agency services are usually free or very low cost—and often reimbursable. Public agencies may suggest or require becoming licensed to foster before adopting and will explain to you the reasoning behind this”  (“Getting Started - AdoptUSKids”).  While public agencies may require that you have a license, the process of getting your license may help you become a better foster or adoptive parent.   When going through a public adoption agency they do not cost, but most things happen outside of the agency.  The private adoption agency goes through all the steps to be able to adopt.  Finally, attending an orientation meeting will help you learn about child care, roles, responsibilities, etc.  I think it is worth paying for the private agency.  The private agency gives you so much more resources and help, and you know all your information will be in the agency.  “During orientation, you may hear for the first time the real challenges involved with being a foster parent and adopting a child from foster care. It’s natural to become conflicted as your emotions rise to the surface” (“Getting Started - AdoptUSKids”).  Hearing about being a foster parent could be scary but knowing all the challenges could help you through your own experience.  While fostering could make you conflicted or emotional the result or experience could be the best thing that happened to you. 

The next step to adopting is completing training. The training and evaluations process takes a minimum of 4 months.  I think training is important because you need to be ready and trained to be an adoptive parent.  Training is also important because you don’t know what type of background the kids are coming from and need to be prepared for anything.  “Offered on weeknights or over weekends, STARS (Specialized Training Assessment Resources and Support) is the 27-hour required training program. It’s a great way to learn all you need to know about foster care and meet other new foster parents” (“The Process - Saint Louis Partners”).  While 27 hours might be a lot, spread between 2-3 months the training process is not that bad.  The training portion of the process is what takes the longest in the second step of adopting.  The training is usually 2-3 months of STARS training, home evaluations, and medical screenings. Along with STARS training you have to go through a home evaluation that could last up to one month.  The 2-3 months of training doesn’t seem too long, especially if you are new to the adoption process.  “This intensive report requires several home visits, thoughtful questions, referrals, fingerprints, physicals, and more. All to ensure you and your home will be a safe place for kids” (“The Process - Saint Louis Partners”).  I agree with this statement because the adoption family's home should be up to standards and meet the policy for the kids to stay in.  Also, the questioning and all the referrals would prove that the adoption family is a good fit for the kids and helps get the right kids to the right homes.

The last steps to adoption are finding a match, placement, supervision of placement, and the gotcha day.  The match is based on many things, after the foster home approves then the adoptive family can decide to move forward.  I think that the match is based on many things is a good idea.  I think it is a good idea because you don’t know what type of kid you're getting and if they find a kid that is a good match for a family based on the information given to the agency.  “Following the placement of the child, Good Shepherd Adoption Services Social Workers will make monthly visits to the adoptive family’s home, finishing SAFE Home Study and supporting the family through the legal adoption process. Social Workers check on the family to offer support and guidance and check on the wellbeing of the child” (“Hoping To Adopt - Good Shepherd”).  I agree with this statement because the social worker should keep in touch with the adoptive family and make sure they are doing well with the adoption.  I also agree that the social worker is checking on the child as well because the adoptive parents could be saying one thing and the child could be saying another.  After the placement of a child, service makers will make a monthly visit to finish the home study and support the family through the legal adoption process. The gotcha day is after the home study is completed and the court date is finalized.  The monthly visits are a good idea in my opinion because if a kid is not fitting in well with the family the social worker could help with that.  The social worker helping with the legal process is good because they have been through many trials before.  “After completed home study and all qualifying court documents are collected, the final court date (usually 6+ months after placement) finalizes adoption for your child” (“Hoping To Adopt - Good Shepherd”).  In my opinion, I do not think the adoption process takes too long because some people spend years trying to get pregnant and you could adopt a child in less than a year. 

In conclusion, families hoping to adopt should have the right training, the proper conditions for the kid to live in, and financially support the child.  First, families should be educated, contact an agency, and attend an orientation meeting.  Then, families should go through STARS training, have a home evaluation completed, and have a medical screening done. Finally, the adoption agency finds a match, places the child, supervises the placement of the child, and helps the family through gotcha day.  While all the steps to adoption are a long process, the result for families all around the world is one worth waiting for.  There are still many children in this world that need a forever home, by adopting you will decrease the number of children by one.

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