Personal Narrative Essay: My Sister's Wedding

📌Category: Events, Experience, Family, Life, Myself
📌Words: 812
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 13 April 2021

There she was my go to, my confidante, my secret keeper, my everything, my sister. I have dreaded this day for the past year and it's finally here.The day that she had always dreamed of and the day I ironically dreaded. As I wait here at the altar I am faced with a whirlwind of emotions. I am devastated to give her away yet I am happy my longing wish of her finding a man that will take care of her in the manner she truly deserves, has come true. I always knew, all good things come to an end, and there would come a time, when she would  cease to be just mine, but I was not prepared for it to be this hard. As the dulcet music began to play and I felt my eyes become moist. Everyone in the crowd slowly stood from the old squeaky church pews and turned to watch her come in. My beautiful sister, in her bridal attire, emotional yet beautiful began to walk down the aisle for the first time towards her new life.

The dank and dreary weather caused her dress to be slightly stained on the bottom from the wet walk to the church doors. She wore a strapless, white wedding gown with a beautiful rhinestone belt around her waist. As she began to get closer to the stage I could see the raindrops that glistened in her hair giving the illusion of diamonds. At the end of each seated aisle was a set of cranberry and steel blue colored flowers that looked otherworldly. Each time she passed the delicate bouquets, her flowy dress would brush against them. Once she finally reached the bottom step of the stage I looked over at my dad on her left arm. His grip began to tighten and his eyes became glossy trying to hold back the tears.

The music began to fade, and the preacher stepped up to the microphone with a Bible in hand.

“Who gives this woman to be married to this man?"

My dad gave my sister one last look before he turned to the preacher with watery eyes and said “I do.”.

He slowly walked to the front pew and once that first tear broke free, the rest followed in an unbroken stream. I quickly focused my attention back to the bride and groom because it hurts to see someone so strong in so much despair. My sister gently turned around to hand me her diaphanous bouquet. Her bright green eyes met mine, bloodshot red, but beautiful nevertheless. Her eyes were something I had always envied. They were as green as the jade ring she always stole from my drawer. Today they put the best cared for yard to shame. After giving me a softhearted smile she turned back to her soon to be husband. He grabbed her shaking hand and the preacher began talking. Both of them had anchored their attention and stared fixedly at one another.

I could no longer hear the preacher and his tender words about the couple. I was too busy thinking about my ambivalent feelings towards this marriage. I have never had to share my sister with someone and now I am having to give her away. I am thrilled she has found the one but I am broken-hearted to know she is moving on in life without me. The gentle whisper of rain against the roof became a source of peace for me. I guess I can finally breathe with relief because she has found the person I always wished for her to have. Someone that can give her a life she truly deserves and a love that consumes her.

“I, Shelby, take you, Micah, to be my husband, and I do promise and covenant, before God and these witnesses, to be your loving and faithful wife in plenty and in want, in joy and in sorrow, in sickness and in health, as long as we both shall live."

I still find it hard to fathom that this is the same snaggletooth sister I used to play barbies with. Standing there, all in white by my now brother in law.

“By the power vested in me by the state of Georgia, I now pronounce you husband and wife” You may now kiss your bride”.

As soon as their lips brushed they pulled apart and faced the crowd shyly and began to walk down the aisle hand in hand. After the two made it out the thick wooden doors, it was my turn to face the happy audience. I carefully stepped off the stage and walked towards the double doors. Immediately, I am met with millions of droplets that fall from the nubilous sky,as the wind softly blows and the trees breezily dance. The ice cold water carelessly touches my skin, before developing tiny rivers of their own. The smell of damp earth and wet leaves enter my nostrils as I take a deep breath. Turning to the old oak tree at the front of the church, I watch my sister and her husband hold one another in the rain and a sense of joy overcomes me. I finally understood that when you love someone, your happiness is theirs.

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