Personal Narrative Essay: My Travel Experience

📌Category: Experience, Life, Myself, Traveling
📌Words: 1002
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 28 April 2021

Travelling is an action in which the mind is enriched and which can ultimately change one's life. It all began from the business trips my dad used to take to Berlin, Germany. He used to tell us these fascinating stories and how the atmosphere of this beautiful city was unlike any other. We are a family who loves to travel, whenever we have off from school we usually travel. Some of the places that I have travelled to include the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, United States, etc. So when my dad told me that Berlin and Europe was different from all of my other travels I was fascinated. I wondered, what could make Europe so different? After that, I was extremely anxious to travel to Europe, especially Paris because I love fashion. Once summer of 2018 came around we took a trip to Europe. It was an exonerating experience. One that made me appreciate different cultures. This trip gave me a different perspective on life and its diverse cultures. It gave me the wonderful opportunity to experience different cultures, lifestyles, cities, and most importantly it made me appreciate the life my parents have provided for me. 

My month long trip consisted of travelling to different cities such as London, Paris, and Berlin. The moment I landed in Paris, I already noticed a big difference in the culture, language, food,and style. I honestly fell in love with the city. As a fashion designer the fashion industry was the best; the boutiques were so unique with exquisite clothing pieces. My favorite was going to Champs Elysee and Galeries Lafayette where we shopped day and night. Oh and the architecture was even better; from the tall gold defined construction of the Palace de Versailles was eye shocking. It was a feeling and ambience unique to Europe. It was like seeing the art from the History books but in real life. Our next stop was London. This was much different as compared to Paris, it honestly was the most culture shocking for me. The accent was so different but I honestly loved it. It felt like I was living a royal lifestyle because of how respectful, kind, and downhearted the natives were. We were staying at the Waldorf Astoria of London which was probably one of the best hotels I have stayed in; the breakfast they offered was to die for from various pastries, cheese’s, and breads. The ambience was amazing; it felt like you were living through history with an acadian style architecture with gold finishes. Something I found fascinating was how the taxi cabs were like the cars you would see from the 1900s, the back beetle like cars, with the driving seat on the right side. The London eye and the Big Ben was breathtaking. The last stop to our trip was Berlin, the most relaxing of them all. We were able to  explore the city without having to make it on time for some activity. The breakfast we had at the lounge was also amazing. The people were so kind there. However, the one thing i did notice was that people love to drink beer and smoke cigarettes there a lot, which is something I find appalling as I feel that consuming or smoking such cansmoking such can have negative effects on your health. We went on fairy rides that took you all throughout the city, which was relaxing. Overall, Berlin was a beautiful city and the most relaxing.  Overall the culture and moral is much different from anywhere else in the world.

The lifestyle in Europe is if you just want to forget about all your problems and have no one rush you. Everything there was just so laid back and relaxing, like I mentioned before they didn’t rush you out of anywhere. I am also coming from a vacation aspect, if I lived there it would be a totally different lifestyle. Talking about living, my family and I were going to move to Berlin for a year because we loved it so much. I truly wanted to move there but my sister didn’t want to leave in the middle of high school so we decided to stay in America. In Berlin, it just felt safe, me and my sister were going on the train and just exploring all of Berlin by ourselves because our parents knew it was safe. If you want to live the city lifestyle with the European touch Berlin is the place to be. London had the luxury lifestyle everyone fantasizes about with houses shaped like castles and going to Harrods to shop and eat. The atmosphere in Paris specifically near the Eiffel Tower was everyone is just living in the moment and you would hear soothing French street music as you observe how the Eiffel Tower is nothing like the pictures. 

All of this wouldn’t be possible without my parents. This trip made me realize how fortunate and grateful I am to have parents who want me to experience all different types of cultures. If it weren’t for my parents my trip to Europe would not have been possible. I wouldn’t be staying at such luxurious hotels and eating such exquisite food. I have never appreciated travelling as much as I did when the COVID-19 pandemic hit. It made me reminisce of all the wonderful times we had as a family. 

Going to Europe gave me a different perspective on life by making me realize how grateful I should be to have experienced such an amazing trip which I will remember for the rest of my life. It also made me realize that we should never take things for granted especially because there are many out there who aren’t fortunate enough to be able to experience such luxuries. So whenever we take such trips my family likes to donate to various organizations to help those in need. This trip was most definitely the most enriching especially because I was able to experience different cultures, food, languages, and cities. After this trip, I was even more intrigued in travelling than I was before. I want to continue travelling the rest of the world and explore more cultures. I definitely believe that travelling can change a person for good, it makes one appreciate all the amazing cultures, religions, and lands out there. A wise man once told me that people forget years and remember moments which will resonate with me for the rest of my life. 

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