Career Essay Example: My Career Field of Business Administration

📌Category: Business, Career, Life
📌Words: 421
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

My future career or area of study is in Business Administration. It’s a degree with a broad selection of job opportunities. This is great for me seeing as I don’t 100% know what it is I am going to do with my degree after graduation. However, with a broad spectrum of employment opportunities comes a broad spectrum of possible issues aligned with the career. 

Knowing when to embrace change is one of the biggest issues known to the business world. Some individuals feel that you shouldn’t try to fix something if it’s not broken. Others change things so much that it could result in a negative impact pertaining to the consumer. You have to be able to see the median between the two. This allows for you to keep traditional business strategies and make select changes necessary for your company growth. 

I personally would have to argue that change is necessary. It is a natural part of life that we partake in everyday- evolution. I am not saying that big changes everywhere is the answer, but that sometimes small changes to big concepts make a greater impact.

Another known issue in the business world is maintaining reputation. Nowadays, people can voice and vocalize their opinions on company products and ways in a bigger way than ever. Due to this, companies have to keep a tight management on their online presence by screening consumer feedback. Some individuals feel that all feedback is necessary and that it is unfair for companies to interfere. Along with this, they believe it is biased for the company that is selling the product to be the one mediating. The solution in this situation is typically to hire a third party that can keep a distance from the situation while maintaining management. 

My belief on this topic would be that it is necessary to manage and maintain your company’s reputation by controlling your online presence. Now that technology is as advanced as it is, people spam hate and harass companies for selfish reasons all of the time. This is not to say that everyone is like that, but since it does happen, businesses have to be conscientious about it. I do however understand why consumers feel that it is biased for companies to screen their own online presence. With this said, I do agree that the popular solution of having a third party intervene is a great idea.

My target audience for this paper would be business men and women of all ages. Young, old, experienced, and new to the business world. My topic is relevant to anyone in the business world because we change and evolve everyday, learning new things and looking at different perspectives are what help us change for the better.

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