Forensic Science Career Essay Sample

📌Category: Career, Life
📌Words: 1192
📌Pages: 5
📌Published: 02 July 2022

Forensic Science is the application of natural and physical sciences to matters of criminal and civil law. Forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and elsewhere to develop objective findings that can assist in the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of crime or absolve an innocent person from suspicion. Their main responsibility is taking evidence from a crime scene and examining it to help the case. When deciding whether or not to choose forensic science as a career, many aspects must be taken into consideration. (“Forensic Science”)

Forensic science is a growing field and for this reason, there are numerous ways of getting into this field. There are various colleges and universities across the country that offer different degrees and programs for forensics. One of the colleges that offer degrees for forensic science would be Columbia College in Columbia, South Carolina. They offer a bachelor’s degree in forensics that combines science and legal topics. What makes this school stand out is that is allows students to learn about different areas of forensic science, allowing them to choose an area of expertise once they graduate. Some of the specialty areas students can focus on include, physical evidence, DNA, toxicology, explosive chemistry and several others. They also direct students to a specific forensics job such as a forensic chemist or a forensic toxicology technician. (“Columbia College Bachelor of Science in Forensic Science”) A different option when considering forensic science is going to Michigan State University. What’s different about Michigan State is that it is a school of criminal justice. Since the school is dedicated to criminal justice, they have a range of classes including criminology, law, history, public health, developmental psychology, environmental social science, biology, and chemistry. The School offers a number of degree programs at the baccalaureate, master, and doctoral levels. They offer a MS in Criminal Justice and a MS in Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysis (LEIA). Their graduate programs are ranked top 10 nationally, their Masters Degree in Criminal Justice is ranked 5, and thier Doctorate in Criminal Justice is ranked 10. (“About Us”). Both of these schools have different areas of expertise but either one of these schools would be a good choice to study at. 

The starting pay of a forensic scientist is enough to have a person living comfortably. The salary depends on years of experience, what areas a person specialized in, and what industry they work for. As of May 2020, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported that forensic scientists earned an average salary of $64,890. Those fairly new to the profession can expect to earn about $46,460, while those with significant experience and, often, graduate-level education and specialized knowledge in a particular area, earn about $100,910. While education and experience play a part in how much you earn as a forensic scientists, the industry in which you work is the largest determiner in how much you earn in this profession. For the most part, forensic scientists work for local, state, and federal agencies, with state agencies comprising the largest percentage of the nation’s 16,640 forensic laboratory scientist jobs, followed by local agencies, which account for about 28% of the total jobs. However, according to the BLS, the biggest salaries are to be found in the federal government, where forensic science technicians earn an average salary of $120,790 as of May 2020. While most forensic scientists work for governmental agencies, a select few also work for private hospitals and labs earning an average salary of $75,720. The biggest factor in determening your salary is what industry you work for. (“Forensic Science Salary Expectations”)

Just like how the industry you work for matters, where you work at also is important. The demand for forensic scientists is different in each state and so is the pay. The demand for forensic scientists depends on the level of crime in that area and the population of the area you are working in. The state with the highest demand is California with 2,270 employees. The second highest demand is Florida with 1,730 employees. The pay varies across the country as well and just because the demand for forensic scientists is high doesn’t necessarily mean that the pay is high as well. The state with the highest average salary pay is Illinois with $96,960 but 490 employees. The second state with the highest average pay is California with $82,880. This is the average salary for both states but the state with the highest starting pay is California with $54,100. How much you get paid and how easy it is to get a job varies from state to state and when choosing a location to work at these two factors must be taken into consideration. (“Highest-paying states for forensic science technicians -”)

Forensic scientists examine evidence found at crime scenes, using their technical expertise to pinpoint everything from cause of death to the likelihood that the prime suspect committed the crime. While one of the pros of forensic science is that the career often brings significant professional satisfaction, a con lies in how it can also take a personal and emotional toll, sometimes requiring working under less than ideal circumstances. One of the advantages of working as a forensic scientist is the ability to have a positive impact on public safety. They directly contribute to the capture of dangerous criminals, justice for victims and thier families, and increased safety for the public. Another advantage is that a career in forensics allows people with a strong interest in science to devote their entire careers to studying and refining scientific techniques and principles. Many choose to dedicate themselves to a single aspect of forensic science, and are granted access to advanced equipment and tools. With these pros here also comes some cons with the profession. A disadvantage in this career is the stress that comes with it. Witnessing the aftermath of brutal crimes is an occupational hazard unavoidable in forensic science. They sometimes visit the crime scene, where they might examine a victim’s body or study blood spatter. In the lab, they frequently analyze bloody clothing and other unpleasant and distressing evidence. They also face time constraints when processing evidence and drawing conclusions, and may face pressure to work faster while still being thorough and accurate. This demanding workload can take a significant emotional toll. Another disadvantage of this career is the work environment. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics warns that both forensic scientists who work in the lab and those who visit crime scenes face potentially dangerous work environments. Much of their analysis depends on the use of possibly toxic chemicals, potentially hazardous substances such as bodily fluids, and must follow strict safety protocols.

While many forensic scientists work a standard 40-hour week, they must sometimes work long hours or be on call to respond to a crime scene at a moment’s notice. They never know what kind of situation they’ll be working in, which could include extreme weather conditions and unsafe or dirty indoor and outdoor locations. This job has very important pros and cons that shouldn’t be taken lightly if someone is considering this career. (“What Are the Good & Bad Things About a Forensic Scientist?”)

This career isn’t something that should be taken lightly and there are many things that should be taken into consideration when deciding. The loction and the industry someone works for plays a big part when choosing this as a career because this will determine how successful they are. To become a successful forensic scientis one must be able to see the facts provided and know they are capable of doing it. The pros and cons are possibly the most important aspect that should be taken into consideration because the pros must outweigh the cons otherwise this isn’t the right career for you.

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