Essay on Targeting Uninformed Consumers

📌Category: Business, Marketing
📌Words: 345
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 June 2021

Targeting uninformed is ethical for many reasons, such as it informing consumers so that they can buy the product they are trying to sell. They are trying to convince the buyer to actually buy the product, it not only informs people they also provides an education platform for people, its treated like a plus point to the people that are launching that specific product.This also increases the competition by launching the product in markets with much more cheaper prices then they really are and or upgrading the quality of the product. Though it may seem unethical just because they may violate some cultural beliefs and some social norms. Most people think its unethical because they think that these companies are trying to manipulate the buyers into buying their products. Not all companies manipulate their buyers with false advertisment or bad quality products,but this does not mean that targeting uniformed is unethical.

In targeting the uninformed consumers, the company introduces their brand to new markets. This not only acts as a way of winning new customers but also as an education platform in that people are informed of the new product .While the community gets educated, the company can attract more consumers. Also, target marketing is beneficial to a community. Can you imagine introducing a new product to the consumers? This would increase competition against the rival and already established products leading to improved qualities and lowered prices. Through target marketing, a company is likely to gain. This is realized since the company has the upper hand in influencing the uninformed group through asking, informing, and persuasion as well as advertising

However, It is unethical to target uninformed consumers because it could negatively impact human health. The FDA is responsible for making sure foods are safe to eat. But nothing is said about GMO foods. Some animal studies suggest that GMOs may cause damage to the immune system,liver, and kidneys. It is not mandatory in the United States for GMOs to be labeled, which brings me to my next point. In conclusion even though some people think it unethical to target uniformed consumers, its ethical to target uniformed consumers because it educates people about the product. Which helps consumers launch their desired product alot easier and faster.

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