Work Environment Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Business, Life, Work, Workforce
📌Words: 316
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 July 2022


The aim of this report is to outline what’s wrong with our work environment and the suggestions that have been made for improvements and to make recommendations for changes. 

Work Environment

We can not always expect to have great people and staff around us while we work. But when given the opportunity to change the environment it may help raise the atmosphere around you. A reason why your work environment might be negatively affected is because of mental health. A person might be living through depression or just are having life issues. Going to work might be the cause of your mental issue. Another reason is that you might feel smaller than the other workers, usually, this is because of discrimination. Discrimination is when you discriminate against a person *in a rude way because of their sex, age, or disability. This is not only a problem in work but it’s a problem worldwide. We can conclude that the work environment might be negative because of Mental health issues and discrimination

Staff Suggestions 

Staff was consulted and they made the following suggestions: first, There was no group meeting making it hard for employees to understand each other and what they should do. This would make the job way a lot easier and get to know your peers better. The last one they said was to communicate effectively. The reason why communication effectively is good is that it makes all parties involved feel satisfied and fulfilled. And this might enliven and even lure the workers into doing their job better. We can conclude that the suggestions given by the staff are bound to make work better.


The first thing I would recommend is to do more group meetings and upper the wage. The reason I would do this is that it would motivate my workers into doing their job better and getting them more interested in their job because of the good price.


We can conclude that the suggestions given and changing your work evolvement will bound and enliven your workers in your place to do better.

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