My Mother, My Superhero Essay Example

📌Category: Experience, Family, Hero, Life, Myself
📌Words: 565
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 01 May 2021

Superman is one of the biggest superheroes around on television however there are more superheroes than you see on fantasy shows. A lot of people in my life could be my superhero but a superhero who doesn't get appreciated enough is my mother. My mom is a stay-at-home mom, but that does not mean she has time to sleep in, relax, or have a lazy day. My mom takes care of my disabled grandma, cleans the house, babysits 4 dogs and a one-year-old, and on top of that still has time to cook dinner and hang out with family. We need to appreciate our legal guardians and what they do for us. 

First off, my mom takes care of my disabled grandma all day. My mom decided to take care of my grandma because she needs someone's full attention all day. My grandma is paralyzed from the chest down and can barely move her arms. My mom has to bathe, feed, and hydrate my grandma. It is a full-time job.

Secondly, My mom cleans the house every day, my mom has to watch my two dogs and my sister's two dogs every day, when the pups go outside,, they can track in all kinds of bugs, dirt, and mud. My mom is a clean freak and loves everything to be clean and smelling good and not like dogs. She makes sure that we can come home to a clean neat house so when we come home she doesn't have to worry about the mess. She likes doing this so we can have her full attention when we get home.

Lastly, My mom babysits a one-year-old. Even though my mother volunteered to look after him it's still a rough full-time job. Everyone knows that toddlers can be restless and wild, but they can also be fussy and grumpy. It always depends on the day. It's kinda like how your parents used to tell you it's like a box of chocolate you never know what you're gonna get. That's how it's kinda like with toddlers you never know what mood you're gonna get. However, she also has to clean the house and take care of my grandma so babysitting can be even harder for her.

However, if my mom was not in my life I have no idea what I would do. My mom is my number one supporter in everything, if it's sports, baking, singing, working out, it could be anything and she would always be there for me. Whenever I fall in a deep spot my mom is always there to help me get through it. If my mom passed away I would probably slowly start fading away from everyone. I know for sure that I would never be myself again and fall into a depressed state. I would think about my mom every night and cry myself to sleep, if my mom wasn't here I would never get out of that depressive state. 

In conclusion, My mom is my favorite and the best superhero around. She never gets a break and is always on her feet. Whether it is softball practice, track practice, a quick Starbucks run, she's always providing me with stuff and I love that. Writing this essay has made me realize that when she nags me she's just wanting the best for me. My mom is my number one fan and I love her so much. If you are reading this you need to stop and think about how you treat your mother or any legal guardian. They are always just wanting the best for you and we need to appreciate them more.

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