Essay on My Dream Job: A Special FBI Agent

📌Category: Career, Education, Government, Law enforcement, Learning, Life, Myself
📌Words: 559
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 May 2021

I have always been fascinated by the idea of being an FBI agent and what their everyday life is like compared to your average person. From watching Criminal Minds with my mom to reading books and researching various cases; I found myself with a passion for bringing people to justice. I have always been interested in human trafficking cases because I remember going into my local grocery store and seeing signs of missing children my age, younger or older. It felt like it could’ve easily been me or my friends on those same signs. I have always had a desperate need to help them and put an end to this horrifying matter. It makes me feel so resentful that this is an ongoing issue and this matter should be brought to its full awareness. 

My whole life, I have always wondered how FBI agents do it. The bureau requires agents to have outstanding mental and physical capabilities as they utilize evidence and facts amid tragedies. I used to think that being in that position could almost feel suffocating until I realized why I would love to be a part of it. The fulfillment these agents feel after solving a case must be immaculate. My ultimate goal is to bring people to justice and experience the fulfillment of solving cases.

Growing up I was always asked what I wanted to be, and I never knew. When I first found out about the Equifax data breach and what it took to bring them down- I knew that's what I wanted to spend my life's work done. When I found out that there was an intrusion affecting nearly half of all Americans, I wanted to counteract this situation and make sure that whoever was doing this is brought to justice. Then, when the FBI tracked down the four that were indicted, I knew my answer.

I want to participate in this program to broaden my knowledge and skills of what it means to be and what it takes to be a part of this career path. Since I am a part of the Citrus Heights Police Explorers Program, I do have many skills regarding Law Enforcement. If I am selected to participate in this program, I will use the skills I learned from the program to help better my community. In the current activities I am involved in, I will help influence my fellow peers with the skills this program would provide me with. This program is a powerful opportunity for me to learn from the FBI. It could potentially mean I am just a few steps away from achieving my dream.

My generation will be known for some of the best accomplishments but also some of the worst. We have grown up to accept the fact that it’s almost normal to have terrorists or insensitive prejudice. I want to help fight back and be my generation's change so the future generations won’t have to suffer the consequences.

From the time I actually was in school, I noticed a lot of my schoolmates always get in trouble or aren’t trying in school to their full capability. I’ve always been a motivator and tried to help my peers get on the right track. I try to get them excited about their futures and how important college really is. Since someone did this for me, I want to return the favor. By attending this program, not only will I benefit from this but my peers will too. This experience will provide me skills to help my peers and I can continue to encourage my peers to start working harder.

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