Essay Sample: Can Writing be Taught?

📌Category: Education, Writing
📌Words: 467
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

I recently found out that even though the top writing teachers in the world still had some students that seem to have less potential than others. I'm not saying that writing teachers are useless and unreliable, but I'm saying that they just DON'T know what they are teaching. I'm sure there are many people out there that think writing teachers would be able to teach their children but, even though they have the ability to even publish their own books and possibly win awards, they just have no idea how to transmit their abilities to their students, for example say you're a teacher who needs to teach kids which don't even know how to comprehend words all together, you would probably have no idea how to even teach them. So even though writing teachers can teach you the basic templates of how to write a fiction story they wouldn't be able to teach you to write because then they would be teaching you how they write even though, when the students archived your class and went to another teacher who might teach another writing style. So, you can't teach students to write, no matter how hard you try. I feel that a person's writing style is just gifted to them, making each one unique and special but they just have to "awaken it," they just don't know how to write since they are just too new to it to the point that they don't even know what their potential is. Basically, you can't just copy some writing style off a teacher you have to "create" your own, some types of people can write a hilarious comedy type book, others can use their imagination to take you to a whole new world with each page. Writing is just like playing cards if you can get the reader to specifically choose your book over the others, it means you won the match, you would have to play your cards one by one carefully selecting the perfect cards to play at that time, meaning you have to use your "gift" or strength in writing to hook others into the work you spent so long on. Even though teachers can offer inspiration to writers, point out the writer’s natural gifts, and help them develop new skills, they just can't teach them writing in general. From my personal experience, my writing teacher has the experience to teach us, but she can only teach us everything except how to write, she can only teach us the basics such as adverbs, topic sentences, etc.

All in all, I believe that you CAN'T teach others to write since they have to develop it on their own. Even if you are a perfection in writing in every way you won't be able to transfer your ability to anyone. Writing can be learned but it can’t be taught. It can be developed, but only if it’s there. A good time in school to awaken your writing style is the way to go!

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