Admission Essay Example: The Naval Academy

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 450
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 13 July 2022

The reason for my application and interest to the Naval Academy is to give me an opportunity to serve my country and fly for the United States Navy. Ever since I was little, I have had a passion to fly. Growing up as an Air Force child, attending the Academy will continue my sense of belonging to a group I can identify with. 

The Naval Academy also has an exceptional swimming program which I want to be a part of. Over the past years, I have grown into a competitive high school swimmer and team captain. I had the opportunity last summer to attend the swim camp at the Air Force Academy to learn about the program. This event has made my passion to go to the Academies even stronger. 

The Naval Academy is a place where leaders are made and I believe I will fit nicely into your program of excellence. Being an Eagle Scout has given me an opportunity to continuously refine my character. As an Eagle, I am also a mentor and a positive role model for younger scouts. Integrity is important because young scouts will constantly observe your behavior. By me doing the right thing even when I don’t believe others are looking, I continue to be a positive role model with a solid character This is important as I wish to help them succeed in obtaining the Eagle Scout rank as well. I can apply the skills that I have learned as a scout and a determined individual to the student body at the Academy.  

Additionally, I will bring a unique perspective given to me by living overseas for fourteen years; it has given me the opportunity to experience a variety of cultures. I have been able to go to cultural events through my school, scouting, and also traveling with my family to other countries. By living overseas I have made friends with many foreign 

students which exposed me to the everyday life of someone different from me. This has enabled me to broaden my understanding of other people and has given me the ability to accept ways of living that in my culture may seem weird or out of place. I can use this skill to benefit others at the Academies as we each come from unique backgrounds. 

Military service is also a family tradition as my great grandfather and both my grandfathers had military service. Additionally, my father is currently serving as an  Officer in the United States Air Force. Service and support of others and answering a higher calling is something just as important to me as it is to my ancestors. 

If becoming an aviator is not available, I believe the Academy will give me an opportunity to explore other military career fields. Going to the Academy will not only help me accomplish my dreams, it will also help me expand my leadership and swimming skills.

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