Why Students Deserve a Better Grade Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Grading, School
📌Words: 443
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 12 September 2021

Greetings to you all teachers. As I start my speech, I’d like you to picture yourself as a student like us. You go to school, listen to tons of lectures, participate in each activity, follow the rubrics for each assignment and submit requirements on time, then you notice despite all your efforts the marks you are receiving are unsatisfactory. What would you feel about that?

Will it be unmotivated? Sad? Frustrated? You might even hear your brain saying3 where did we go wrong? We know we did our best. What did we miss? That’s pretty much it right! These are the feelings of what students deal with each time they receive an unsatisfactory mark.1 Now, I am coming forward to convince you into considering giving us a better grade.

Marks matter to students. Marks are not merely a number it has a value. It measures student’s ability and gives us an impression if we are smart or not. 

Having a better mark is like a ticket,4 a ticket that will take us forward in our academic path. Not only that, but it can also make a student start with an ideal expectation of having a better future too.

Having a better mark could boost the student’s confidence. A study at the University of Michigan found that 80 percent of students that were surveyed based their self-worth on academic performance, while family support and pride came in second place. This shows that a mark does make an impact on students it reflects and determines their performances.2

Talking about our future, having a better mark could go a long way as we enroll in colleges and universities marks will probably be the most important factor in determining whether we will be admitted or not. Data shows colleges and universities are looking to admit students who have an average of 60%-90% and this does not include the ivy league universities that require an average of 90% or higher. By having a better mark, we can successfully graduate from a college or university and achieve our dream to become a nurse, an accountant, or a teacher like yourself.2

With better marks, it could also open an opportunity to be offered a scholarship or a student grant from colleges and universities. Through this, it will serve as a great help for those students who lack financial stability.

Now that we have a clear understating of why students deserve a better grade, I hope our dear teachers that you could consider. Our marks unlock doors to the new world.5 A simple act of kindness by a teacher could push a student one step closer to their goal. I can assure you, teacher, that as a student we applied ourselves and gained knowledge from the course. A better mark is all we ask, not a high mark. A small price to pay for one’s brighter future.

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