School Uniform Benefits Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, School Uniforms
📌Words: 671
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 26 July 2022

The debate over school uniforms has endured for decades, and now people are more divided than ever. Uniforms are not a new modern-day idea, the thought of school uniforms has been on the human mind since the 16th century. To this day, school uniforms are still in use in public and private schools across the United States of America, but anti-uniform believer numbers have grown exponentially since the historical Tinker v. Des Moines Supreme Court Case. School uniforms should be obligatory for students because of student safety, education focus, and cost.

Student safety in schools across the United States are a rising issue with multiple threats and school shooting events happening annually. Mandatory uniforms in classrooms improve the safety of students considerably . According to  Passage 2 it says ," Other proponents of school uniforms report that it prevents students from concealing weapons under clothing. And some believe intruders would  recognized faster". This significantly makes students, staff, and faculty safer in the scenario that someone from the area tries to blend in with other students. Furthermore, in ,"The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms for students", it states ," When Long Beach, CA, required all students in grades K–8 to wear uniforms, reports of assault and battery decreased by 34%." Just a simple, inexpensive decision to make school uniforms mandatory, prevented consequential acts to many people.

Moving on, another huge reason that school uniforms should be mandatory is the focus on education. The reason that kids and teens go to school, is because they are seeking education. How are these young people supposed to focus on education when they are busy picking on people who can't afford lavish Gucci clothing? The second article explains ," Not having certain brand-name clothing or not wearing fashionable items could lead to feelings of insecurities." Not only do certain children get criticized for their lack of expensive clothing, they also grow harmful insecurities. Adolescents need a positive state of mind to be able to learn and mature. Passage 2 said ,"Researchers in Australia noted that students who wear uniforms had improved discipline and academic performance." Uniforms have proven once again that they aren't a useless, evil idea to torture students, but in reality a effort to help students focus on themselves and the importance of their education.

Onward to the third reason why school uniforms should be implemented in schools is cost. Public Schools don't know what a child's families financial status is. Amy Morin says in ," The Pros and Cons of School Uniforms for students" that ," There is less pressure to buy expensive name-brand clothing and school uniforms might be more affordable." School uniforms are always available at local department stores, and are always at great value. Students don't have to beg their parents for the new Gucci shirt, when they are all wearing the same thing. Passage 1 explains ," The uniforms also saved the students' families money." Instead of students in schools being interested in wearing expensive trending clothes, they will be interested in school work and excelling at what they do. The opposition says that students clothing of their choice is protected in the Free Speech section of the first amendment. While free speech is protected under the First Amendment, most of the time students are wearing inappropriate and distracting clothing instead of clothing to express themselves. In passage 2 under "School Uniforms And The Law" it says ,"  In a 1995 case in Albuquerque, New Mexico, a federal district judge ruled that wearing "sagging pants" was not a form of freedom of expression. The judge said that "sagging pants" did not convey a "message," nor did they represent an ethnic identity. "Sagging" was merely a teen fashion trend, the judge argued." Sagging pants, tights, crop-tops, and shot skirts are just a few types of inappropriate trending clothing, which students today want to wear. The pro's of mandating uniforms have heavily outweighed the pro's of not mandating school uniforms.

In closing, school uniforms have proven time and time again that they are worthy and not just a stupid idea by the school. They have helped with student safety, overall behavioral issues, the focus on student's education, and the financial status of their guardians. School uniforms are not a harm to a students school life, but instead a benefit, and every student across this nation deserves that opportunity.

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