Working Together or Working Alone? Essay Sample

📌Category: Education, School
📌Words: 364
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Many people have different beliefs and conceptions of doing school projects for acquiring good grades. I feel that working alone on an assigned project will be better than working with a friend and teacher. I feel this way for two main reasons which I will explore in the subsequent paragraphs.

First, doing the school projects by self will improve our intellectual thinking power which will enhance a performance level in an academic subjects, and there won’t be any distraction and disturbance in doing the assigned tasks. My personal experience is a compelling example of this. When I was in 12th class last year, we were given project by our teacher and the given task need to be submitted within a week. I worked alone putting full effort into it, and I struggle to come up with an ideas at first; however, I successfully managed to do the project effectively and efficiently. Evidently, I could complete my work on exact date without a fail, and there was improvement in my work approach and noticed that my thinking stimulation was also improved drastically. Consequently, I scored good grades in that project as compared to other mates. If I had never worked alone, I would have never been able to come up with good grades. It is certainly clear that doing task alone can perform well.

Secondly, it becomes reliable to do the projects according to our time and place which will make our task complete comfortably and reliably. Drawing from my experience, as I mentioned above on doing my project of my own. During that course I did not face any time management issues and working place problems because I was so comfortable and convenient carrying this assignment at my home, thereby wasting no time like going after friends or tutors. Subsequently, my work came to be productive and effective as compared to the previous year where I worked with my mates, and came with lower score which annoyed me. If I had chosen to work with mates, I would have been lend up scoring low bands in that project. For this reasons, I perform well in projects when I do alone.

In conclusion, working alone for projects will improve one’s thinking abilities, and will complete a work on given time. This is because there won’t be any distraction and one can manage the time span appropriately.

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