Balancing School and Work Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Life, School, Work
📌Words: 456
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 September 2021

A survey done in 2018 found out that 81% part time undergraduate students and 43% full time students are employed. It is unfortunate for some students that need to work in order to sustain their livelihood and education. This might just increase as the cost of living rises as well as the world recovering economically from this ongoing pandemic. It is challenging for students to balance both work and school as they struggle with time, health and finance. 

The first challenge is time. It is hard to juggle both the work and school schedule. Both are essential to have a good amount of hours but one will always end up cut short. Also tardiness increases for both places. This occurs when both places are far apart and the student needs to rush to reach both destinations. Also, it is difficult to make time for study and homework. This is because at the end of the day, The student still needs to go home and do their household work. This makes the time between coming home from work and bedtime very limited. The students struggle to find time for both school and work. 

Also it is very difficult for the student to keep their health in check. First, the student is sleep deprived. This is due to having to do homeworks til late at night and waking up early for work. This causes the body not to have the required amount of sleep needed. Inturn this affects the body making it prone to disease. This as well will cause the student to continue work without taking sick days. Due to the limited hours, the student financially cannot afford to take sick days. Finally the student suffers a lot of stress. This is due to the amount of stress work, school and their personal life provide to them which they in turn do not cope with. Having both school and work can cause students to neglect their health.

The final problem is finance. Students who work also struggle with finance. This is due to them not working a full 45 hours shifts or them not getting pay as a full time worker. With the school fees, bills and groceries, students are left with a fews dollars. These fews dollars are crucial and if an emergency occurs, they find it difficult to make ends meet. Also, students prioritize their school fees as the first to be paid hence going some days with the cheapest meals or ramen noodles. Lastly, these students do not have money for clothes, materials, gadgets or electronics. They work with what they got. Students who work struggle to manage their finances. 

Working students find it difficult to deal with time, health and money. Time seems limited to them and their health is mostly neglected. Add finance problems to the mix and it is a recipe for challenges. It is hard but the labour they do now will bear fruitfully in the future.

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