The Importance of Using Film in Learning Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Entertainment, Learning, Movies
📌Words: 941
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 07 August 2022

Many teaching strategies are used in schools today, but one very effective teaching strategy that should be utilized everywhere is the use of film. Film, in this generation, has become incorporated into everyday life. With the worldwide phenomenon that is film, this generation of children has grown up in a world full of creative and successful thinkers. These movie makers, such as Alfred Hitchcock and Wes Anderson, have reimagined the idea of film into something that is not a pile of pop culture references, but a world of imagination and storytelling the way classic books such as To Kill a Mockingbird or Catcher in the Rye have. These storytellers have created a completely new way of using film and storytelling, not only is it fun, it is educational. “Films help students understand concepts like theme, style, and genre. Students often have difficulty grasping these concepts when hearing about them in an English or Art class. Identifying theme, style and genre in a movie allows students to grasp these concepts in a medium that is more familiar to them.”  (The Educational Value of Films). This new medium that has gained so much popularity in the past few years could be a great asset to school systems, with topics such as character arcs and evaluation of film. This would let students express their thoughts and opinions, outside of places like debate or English class. Whereas some would find this distracting and a waste of time, this could help students and teachers alike in aspects such as the effects it has on student learning, the easy obtainability for teaching resources, and the overall opportunities film has for career paths.

Using film in one’s teachings can greatly motivate a student’s way of learning. “Cinema is the audiovisual version of storytelling. It enhances emotions and therefore sets up the foundation for conveying concepts” (Blasco et al.). A few students may learn best through reading, others through lectures, and a majority of today’s students learn best with visual aids in the form of film. “According to the Social Science Research Network, 30% of the general population are auditory learners and 65% are visual learners” (Why teach with film?) When combined, the use of all three methods greatly improved test scores and retention of the material. These resources are readily available to teachers due to the proliferation of internet access and streaming services. Film captures the attention of today’s learners because much of their learning has come from film media. “Taken together, their findings highlight that using popular movies in education has a bright side as it adds to performance if the information in the movie is consistent with historical facts.” (Kuepper-Tetzel). Teaching with media is not without challenge. However, misinformation can be introduced among the actual facts, whether intentional or not, for the sake of making a good film. This must be pointed out by the teacher or the result could be the retention of false “facts” that were introduced through film. This can be true of any taught information, whether film, lecture or reading. “Watching a film clip increased correct recall of consistent information relative to recall of the same information when subjects did not see the clip. However, when the information in the film contradicted the text, subjects often (falsely) recalled misinformation from the film.” (Butler et al.).

Having increased access to the internet has made many things available to teachers and students that were not possible even ten years ago. These things include that teaching resources have been made easier to obtain, the cost of these materials has become more affordable, they scale very easily, and teachers or students can use them anywhere. Teachers can find help from peers and students can find open discussion on just about any topic. Besides, “[u]sing a single method of teaching may not make the students get a deeper understanding of the lesson. Movies can be combined with other methods forming multiple teaching modalities.” (Educational Benefits Of Movies). This material can make the teachers more effective and the students more engaged in learning.

If film is taught in schools, this could open up many more pathways for more students. Directing, writing, filming, set production, or even vocations like hair, makeup, costumes, or music may be inspired by film. Student success should be the goal of education, and film should be utilized to maximize exposure to these opportunities. Teachers and students may not even need to view the film to discuss the components and the production process. Arts can stimulate imagination and create opportunities for students who are trying to identify themselves and to set goals for their futures. “In a world saturated by visual media, film theory should thus be more widely offered in public schools. Film studies classes can set students up for future success, by improving visual literacy, critical thinking skills, and even boosting memory. Let’s take a look at the various benefits of introducing film theory into traditional educational models.” (Johansen).

In conclusion, film in schools is a very important tool that has many important concepts to understand. These concepts are the key to understanding how film can help some teachers deliver information to a generation that is already familiar with the platform and are more likely to utilize this form of learning. Learners can actively participate in an educational environment that is stimulating, in a way with which they are most familiar, and can open up new opportunities by understanding how a film is put together to convey a story.

Works Cited

Blasco, Pablo Gonzalez, et al. Education through Movies: Improving Teaching Skills and Fostering Reflection among Students and Teachers., 2015, 

Butler, Andrew C, et al. “Using Popular Films to Enhance Classroom Learning: The Good, the Bad, and the Interesting.” Psychological Science, U.S. National Library of Medicine, Sept. 2009, 

“Educational Benefits Of Movies.” Paadulted Career Network, 21 July 2017, 

“The Educational Value of Films.”, 11 Mar. 2016, 

Johansen, Adrian. “Why It's Important to Teach Film in School.” Raindance, 29 May 2021, 

Kuepper-Tetzel, Carolina. “Benefits and Perils of Using Movies in Education.” The Learning Scientists, The Learning Scientists, 17 June 2017, 

“Why Teach with Film?” Journeys in Film, 14 July 2020,

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