Reflective Essay Example on Classical Music

📌Category: Entertainment, Music
📌Words: 363
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 09 August 2022

My previous understanding of classical music was little to no. It’s not often that I spent my time listening to classical music but when I did I never thought much of it. The only reason why I listened to classical music at times was so I could be in a state of calm while completing tasks I would prefer to do the next day. In some ways, classical music served as a bit of a motivation for me. However, when it came to truly understanding classical music—knowing the subtext of every note or the story behind each piece—it never came naturally to me. Then again, I wasn’t as in tune with classical music as Teodor Currentzis and his performers.

While watching both videos Teodor Currentzis, the Classical Rebel, one of the things that changed my perception of classical music was the way Currentzis’s performers perceived it. Some would describe Currentzis’s way of performing as the embodiment of natural disasters or him having such a deep connection to the point where he breathes classical music. These comments brought me to an understanding that classical music wasn’t as two-dimensional as I perceived it to be; it holds depth beyond every note executed by the performers, directed by Currentzis.

Another thing I noticed while watching both videos that changed my perception was the way Currentzis interacted with his performers during rehearsal and performance. During rehearsal, Currentzis was decisive and intransigent. Whenever he heard a note that held no room for his vision he would have everyone restart the piece or directly call out a performer to meet his vision. Even during his performances, Currentzis was expressive and adamant about his vision. When the performance was going his way he’d look pleased as his hand movements matched each note. As for the parts of the performance where the tempo would pick up, he’d make direct eye contact with one of the performers carrying the part of the performance and silently communicate to them aggressively. This was so the performers could match Currentzis’s vision precisely. These aspects of Currentzis made me comprehend the sacrifice and effort put into classical music.

Overall, after having watched both videos, I recognized the depth of classical music from the lens of Currentzis and his performers. Classical music doesn’t solely convey a story; it demonstrates the work put into creating such pieces while delivering an experience.

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