Suffragette Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 545
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 August 2022

Suffragette is a moving film that displays how women lived before they obtained their rights. Women were not seen as individuals back then. Women were seen as workers and caretakers, nothing more. These women, however, were not just going to sit around and allow nothing to change. Women from all different paths of life worked together to get the rights they clearly deserved. Through great sacrifices, blood, sweat, tears, and even death. Women had finally gotten what they deserved. 

The setting of this movie is London in the year 1912. Suffragette centers around the Women's Suffrage movement in England. The suffrage movement in England consisted of crime, violence, and death. Instead of taking a peaceful and proactive approach, these women decided to use violence to get attention. They would break windows because as Maud said to the Inspector in the movie, “we break windows, we burn things because war is the only thing men listen to.” This quote shows that men did not listen to the women rather, they listen to violence. Women told their testimonies. To only be heartbroken when they found out the vote was not granted to them. These women had gone through so much such as sexual assault, forced labor, inequality. For a true human being to not recognize their hardships struggles and not hear these women out is truly inhumane and honestly a little psychotic.

Suffragette is a movie about sacrifice. Women sacrificed their lives, families, friendships, and lots more to get their votes. In the movie when David Lloyd George reveals that women were not granted the right to vote women were outraged. As result, some women were arrested and brutally beaten. Women in London would rather get beaten up by a man and go to jail than rather not get their rights to vote. It was not seen in the movie, yet many women died in jail fighting for their rights. These women have no name in history but are remembered for their sacrifice. Secondly, these women sacrificed their families in a sense because they went to these events and were not with their families. This caused families to become broken. Not all, but in this movie the protagonist Maud’s family becomes broken. It is honestly sad how it all ends up for Maud. Due to her husband's lack of responsibility, he has to put their son up for adoption, because during this time men were given custody of their children. Friendships were sacrificed even ended. If you were a suffragette people viewed you as an outcast. Finally, women's lives were sacrificed. The most significant death was Emily Davidson’s. Emily got trampled by a horse at the Epsom Derby. Emily got trampled because she was trying to pin a suffragette banner to get national attention. However, Davison's death marked a culmination and a turning point of the militant suffragette campaign. It got lots of attention worldwide. Davidson's death is when England knew they had to change women's rights.

To conclude, Suffragette is not only a movie about determination, fight, and desire. It is about sacrifice. Women truly fight for equality and the right to vote, risking their lives, family, friendships, e.t.c. for a just cause. These women fought so that all the little girls who grow up will have the rights and equality they deserve. Their sacrifices helped create a new generation for women all over the world. It is for this reason that I truly believe every woman should vote. These women fought so hard for women everywhere to get the votes they earned.

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