Persuasive Essay Sample: Why Videogames Are Good for Children

📌Category: Child development, Entertainment, Games, Psychology
📌Words: 956
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 28 July 2022

Videogames are one of the most popular forms of entertainment in the world. Many people play video games, and there are many competitions for different video games. However, people also think that video games are useless. I disagree because children can learn a lot from video games. Games like Pacman or Ping-pong can teach you a few things. So in this essay, I will show 3 reasons why video games can be beneficial for children. You might not agree at first, but after reading this, you might just change your opinion about video games. Video games can help with creativity, can increase socialization, and can be used for therapy and stress relief. First, why creativity is an important part of life, and how video games can help you improve your creativity skills.

Creativity can be useful in many ways. If you like building Legos or drawing, it's important to have a creative mind. Video games can help your imagination in many ways. There are a variety of different genres of video games, and the sandbox genre fits best for developing creativity. Sandbox games are games where you can create anything you want. In these games, people can build many things, from 3D models and builds to entire other video games. Some examples of sandbox games include World Box or Minecraft. These games use in-game mechanics and systems to make it more of an open-world creative game. Sandbox video games can be used as a formal learning tool, to develop creativity skills, and to learn game development and coding. Video games can also motivate students to learn and make learning fun. Minecraft and World box are only one of the many hundreds of games where you can code and create 3D or 2D models. Sandbox games aren’t all the same though, because some sandbox games teach children specific things like how to build planes, spaceships, cars, etc. An example of a sandbox game is The Sandbox. It is a game where you can 3D model anything from buildings to an entire video game, and you can build any structure you want. When creating 3D models, it is best to do it on the computer. The reason why is because a computer can visualize what the model would look like, and how big it would be without trying to make the perfect shape in real life. Having good creativity is beneficial because children can help themselves generate ideas, and what they want to do in the future. Creativity can also help in subjects like art, projects, and architecture. It is important to have good creativity skills, and sandbox games and 3D model games are the perfect way to start strengthening your imagination. Video games aren't only about building and creating, but video games can also help people strengthen children's comfortability of communicating.

In multiplayer games, people can socialize and make friends online. In multiplayer games, people can chat with each other via voice call or text-based chat. Games such as Roblox or Genshin Impact are considered multiplayer games, in which people can talk with each other. In multiplayer games, people can talk to each other to devise a plan to beat the game. Games such as World of Tanks or League of Legends require teamwork. This can also help children learn how to be polite, and make new friends. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it is really important to talk and communicate with people, so people around the world won’t get isolated and lonely. Because of this, multiplayer games are very popular now. Socializing is critical because the ability to work with others and make friends is key to an easier life. Children will have to work together with colleagues at their workplaces, so the ability to communicate effectively is important. Video games can also positively affect your cognitive behavior.

Video games has many genres. Tile matching and puzzle games are among the genres. These video games can be very useful for mental health. People might think video games are just images on a screen. But these puzzle games can help you think faster, and react faster. An Example of a tile-matching game is Tetris. Tetris is a very popular puzzle game, and can positively change your brain. It's called the Tetris effect. The Tetris effect is an effect where if you do something too long, or have been exposed to something for too long, you will start to feel the same effects as if you were still exposed. When you close your eyes, you'll also start seeing what you're doing, even if you're not doing it. For example, if you were on a ship for several days, you will feel the rocking of the ship, even if you’re on land. This can be used for therapy for smaller children as they love to play video games. It can be used for therapy because when you play Tetris, you start to see patterns and blocks connecting when you close your eyes. Children can use this to imagine it as a positive pattern when imagining patterns. Other games like Osu, Quaver, etc. Are called rhythm games. It is where you either click or tap to the beat of a song. Rhythm games can help with children's reaction time because if your child practices faster songs with a faster beat, they need to react more quickly to click to the beat. It might be a fun way to help children with reaction time and to use video games as a therapy tool for children. Video games can be very useful, and can be a tool for therapy and science studies! Now, let's recap everything about why videogames are beneficial for children.

Video games are helpful for children because video games can greatly help kids with their creativity skills, they can make new friends online, and video games can help with their mental health. Fun fact: Some video games were developed to be a learning simulator, not to be a game where you yell and get mad when you lose. These are just some of the many reasons why videogames are good for children, and you should not scold your child for just playing a few minutes of video games.

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