A Documentary about Canada Analysis

📌Category: Canada, Entertainment, Movies, World
📌Words: 636
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 19 April 2021

Did you know that Canada is only twelve percent inhabitable, meaning that 88 percent of our nation is untouched? In reality, there are many beautiful places to discover in Canada that most Canadians are unaware of. I educated myself about the ten provinces in-depth after watching the documentary, "A Documentary about Canada," and what makes each of them unique. Overall, this documentary showcases the differences between certain regions, highlights of each province and what it truly means to be a Canadian.  

There were two regions that stood out to me when watching this documentary, Atlantic Canada and Central Canada. These two regions were distinctly different, regardless of how close they are to each other. Atlantic Canada consists of four coastal provinces, Newfoundland and Labrador, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. This region is relatively small compared to other regions in Canada but has stunning natural wonders surrounding it. From its lush green woods and hills to its shimmering beaches, nature is everywhere you go. For example, from 1:12 to 25:15 of the documentary, you journey through the beautiful valleys, cliffs, forests, lakes and rivers found in Atlantic Canada. Furthermore, Atlantic Canada has one of the oldest rocks you can purchase and has a large fishing industry. Whereas Central Canada, comprised of Quebec and Ontario, is much more urban. These two provinces have a lively, ethnic and optimistic population that makes them a popular destination for tourists. The primary language spoken in Quebec is French, which is quite interesting since most of the world mostly speaks English. Not just that, but Central Canada is renowned for its enriched opportunities in business, art and culture. Despite the metropolitan environment, there are also many beautiful natural environments, including the impressive Niagara Falls, the Great Lakes, several forests, rivers and lakes as seen from 25:42 to 35:12 of the documentary. All in all, Atlantic Canada and Central Canada are two very distinct regions.

While viewing this documentary, I enjoyed two destinations, in particular, Banff National Park and Niagara Falls. Banff National Park, located in Alberta, is a national park full of glimmering turquoise lakes, high mountains, dense green forests and beautiful landscapes. In addition to this, the park features the outstanding Rocky Mountains and has a large variety of wildlife within the limits of its park. Niagara Falls in Ontario was the second location I enjoyed. The Niagara area overflows with many attractions and activities, some directly connected to the waterfall itself. Moreover, Niagara Falls is flooded with tourists yearly with it being the largest waterfall and the most visited natural attraction in Canada. With the endless amount of entertainment from Clifton Hill to the Hornblower Cruises, there is always something to do at Niagara Falls. In general, Banff National Park and Niagara Falls are two destinations that have a unique sense of place in Canada.

Additionally, this documentary has shown me what it truly means to be Canadian. Everywhere you go in Canada, there is a sense of diversity, compassion, multiculturalism and unity in the environment, from the people to the land. For instance, Rosa Parks was a civil rights activist who reshaped the perspective of Canadians by encouraging multiculturalism. Canada is currently ranked among the most inclusive countries in the world, and Parks has been an activist for this movement. Another example is Ed Whitlock, an eighty-five-year-old man who ran marathons. Whitlock is a true inspiration that age is just a number, and you can achieve your dreams with hard work and dedication. Rosa Parks and Ed Whitlock are reminders of what it means to be Canadian. They show that Canadians are kind, accepting and hard workers. They make being Canadian more meaningful by showing that Canada is a country with no limitations and a place where people can follow their dreams. Overall, being Canadian to me means freedom and shaping your life to the way you want to live.

In conclusion, Canada is truly a unique country, with its beautiful landscapes and kind community. It is a country with many wonders that have helped shape the lives of Canadians. All over, Canada has it all, from its remarkable nature to its diverse community.

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