Election Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 949
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 07 August 2022

The film Election primarily involves two characters: Tracy Flick and Jim McAllister. The film centers on these two characters who are involved in a school election. Between Tracy and Mr. McAllister, McAllister is the protagonist throughout the movie. I choose the “Pick Flick” scene because it shows a key point in the movie where we can see past Mr. McAllister’s façade of the perfect/beloved teacher who is doing what he believes is best for the school and the future by assuring Tracy Flick defeat in a high school election. While Mr.M tries to prove that Tracy is unethical he fails to recognize the hypocrisy in his beliefs. The scene I have chosen helps to show a glimpse of what Mr.M’s ethical and moral beliefs have done for him compared to Tracy. 

This 5-second shot shows Mr. McAllister an average height Caucasian man walking into the school building with ruffled and messy hair. He is wearing an open coat revealing a button-up dress shirt and tie. He also has a stubble beard growing, and an eye that is swollen shut. . Behind Mr.M there is a telephone and papers taped to the windows near the door. The room is well lit based on the amount of light that is reflecting off the windows in the background. At the beginning of the shot, the camera distance starts as a long shot panning left while zooming in and dropping the camera to a lower level to show a close-up of Mr.M. When Mr.M walks through the school building there is intense sinister-like music. In this shot, it is important to note that the expression on Mr. McAllister’s face is disinterested. 

The camera cuts to a shot/reverse-shot close-up of Tracy Flick a Caucasian woman around 18 with blond hair and blue eyes. She is wearing a turtleneck sweater, with a necklace. On the sweater there is a button revealing the word “Pick” that is cut off by the edge of the screen. The background is blurred bringing more focus to Tracy as she extends her hand out towards Mr.M, smiles, and says, “Looks like you could use a cupcake.” In the blurred background we can see more of Tracy’s Election propaganda. There is also an older woman in the background, who appears to be helping Tracy set up her Election rallying station. As the scene continues it shows a close-up shot of Tracy, moving to a focused shot of the cupcake she offers to Mr.M. Tracy is blurred in the background, yet we can still see Tracy flashing a wide smile. While Mr.M has hit rock bottom Tracy remains determined, passionate, and cheerful. The cupcake has brown frosting with the words “pick flick” written in bright yellow frosting and all letters capitalized. When the focus goes to the cupcake the music in the background intensifies. 

The camera cuts back to Mr.M’s with the camera close-up low angle shot showing Mr.M accepting the cupcake from Tracy. In the background, there is an emphasis on a banging drum and a clanging sound. It is clear through Mr.M expression as he accepts the cupcake that recent experiences have caused him to detach even more from his life. He was humiliated by Linda emotionally, humiliated by the bee physically, and to see Tracy handing him a cupcake joyful has caused him to sink deeper into a pit of despair and anger. 

Close-up shot of Tracy with a woman still blurred in the background. Music intensifies with emphasis on a banging drum and a clanging sound, camera focuses on Tracy as she says, “Hey what happened to your eye?”

The camera cuts back to a slightly higher than eye level, 10-second close-up shot of Mr.M shoving the cupcake into his mouth as he walks down the hall. He does not respond to the question Tracy asked. He also doesn’t bother to remove the wrapping before he starts to eat more, nor does he wipe the icing from his upper lip. As Mr.M walks down the hall the drum in the music becomes louder and intensifies with emphasis on a banging drum and a clanging sound. There is also a sound that switches back and forth between highs and lows. In this shot, we once again see Mr.M’s swollen shut-eye. It is something that he will have to live with for a long time as a consequence of his actions. Anyone who sees him will wonder what happened to his eye, every time he looks in the mirror it will serve as a reminder of his actions. Just like his eye has imploded so has his life.

Medium shot of Mr.M taking a shower at the school. He is wearing a watch and using his hands to lather the soap over his body. He soaps and rinses his underarm twice at a medium pace. While he is showering, he makes a comment to himself aloud saying “Mr. McAllister, Mr. McAllister, somebody tore down my posters, it's not fair, it's not fair. Can I get an A? Can I get a recommendation? Can I? Can I?" Fu*k them” in a whiny tone. In the scene, there is emphasis on a sound that continues to rise higher in pitch. This is the most noteworthy scene because as Mr.M comes down on his students he reveals/admits aloud that he is a hypocrite not truly caring about his students lives. It also revealed why he was so bent on making sure Tracy didn’t win the election. Tracy is a symbol of everything Mr.M is not. Passion and excitement through her affair with Dave, ambition, and determination throughout her classes and the Election, and the ability to move on from where she is while Mr.M is stuck where he is. By doing everything to prevent Tracy from winning the election deep down Mr.M believes that it will impact her enough that she will not be able to move on. 

Mr. McAllister was the main protagonist of the film Election. He makes himself a victim whilst blaming others for consequences that occurred because of his actions. He tries to tear down Tracy Flick who is simply a student determined to succeed in life.

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