The Emoji Movie Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 463
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 10 August 2022

Just imagine it's a Friday night and you're with your friends deciding what movie to watch, if you were to say “Hey let's watch the emoji movie” trust me, they wouldn't be your friends for much longer. This film includes writing that is more messed up than its character design, and its character design is pretty bad, as well as the obvious mistakes made in this movie when it came to actually watching the film it felt like more of an advertisement for phone apps and smartphones extended into one film and an actual enjoyable film 

The story of The Emoji Movie is based around an emoji's life. You heard me an emojis life, these little pixels we find inside our phones apparently have their own home, family, and even free will. The story focuses on a “Meh” Emoji under the name of Gene with the voice actor of T.J Miller. Gene is the meh emoji but oh no, Gene can't do the only job he was coded to do, instead of Gene's face staying as a meh emoji, his face correlates to his emotion/how he is feeling. Because of this, he ends up leaving his home Textropolis to go and get reset in the iCloud.

When I say that this movie has a bad plot and character writing it’s not just me saying this, it’s the 3.3-star review on IMDb, the 3.7-star review on Rotten Tomatoes, and the 2.1-star review on Metacritic also talking. I never thought that the sidekicks would be the undeniably worst feature of this film, Sidekicks if done right can make the film a more enjoyable experience but alas in the Emoji Movie, this is not the case. In the movie, the sidekicks include this hacker girl under the name of Jailbreak and the Hi-5 emoji jailbreak herself wasn’t thatttt bad but Hi-5?, Hi-5 just seemed to drag the entire plot down with his endless amount of chitchat and tomfoolery. An example of a scene that should have been scrapped from the start is the whole story of Hi-5 going to the bin after the just dance sequence. What was the point of this? Why would the bot even grab Hi-5? The bots were there for Gene and Gene only. Can we talk about the plotholes found in this movie as well? When it comes to data wiping a phone first off the damage done is irreversible, regardless of if you unplug the phone or not, and second, off you don’t even need to go to a repair shop to reset it. If Alex was really a tech-savvy teen I’m sure he would have known how to do this himself. And what about Alex himself? At the start of the movie they were talking about how much Alex was on his phone and always texting, I do not believe for a single second that after Gene broke the whole text scanner thingy Alex just decided to not send any messages all day.

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