Essay Sample on Pandemic and The Rise of Social Media

📌Category: Coronavirus, Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 633
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 September 2021

Similar to the 1918 influenza outbreak, the current Coronavirus pandemic is a once-in-a-century event.  However, previous pandemics did not arise in the blooming age of technology, failing to provide people with the same sources of communication that we have today. Earlier, postal workers and boy scouts knocked door to door, sharing critical information regarding the flu.  However, in the current coronavirus pandemic, the same method could not be employed.

The virus emerged from a small city, the wet markets of Wuhan, and rapidly spread across the entire world. The highly contagious virus bringing death tolls to a peak, coupled with a lengthy absence of a vaccine, called for global coordination in ways that go beyond what we have achieved so far.  It brought the widespread implementation of social distancing measures and year-long home confining requirements. Consequently, in the wake of these sudden measures, the outside world and workspace contract inward to our homes. The public required quick and reliable information about the symptoms and prevention methods towards the virus. Anxiety, confusion, and loneliness took a natural toll on everyone.  As a result of these unprecedented times, people needed a commonplace to identify themselves in this common crisis and support each other. Public opinions and perceptions were foraging to be seen, and in consequence, the world discovered an excellent platform for people to stay connected, although being physically separated— which is popularly known as “social media.” 

The term “social media” is not a neophyte in 2021. It is ingrained in our society ever since Mark Zuckerberg opened the gates of online communication with Facebook in 2004.  Nevertheless, the term is not restricted to several social networking websites. Many people consider Blogs and Wikipedia also to fall under the ambit of the widely used term. Thus, it becomes crucial to define a general concept of what “social media” exactly means. 

In simpler terms, the “social” refers to interacting and communicating with people utilising information exchange.  The “media” part signifies an instrument of communication, such as the internet.  Despite this, the definition seeks more room for elaboration with two unanswered confusions. Firstly, are traditional means such as newspaper and radio also a part of media? Secondly, is social media similar to social networking? The answer comes out simple. Newspaper, television, and radio are also types of media. However, these means are limited to information sharing and thus, lack interaction. Likewise, social networking is also a part of social media. However, networking is a consequence of media being shared and not social media itself. If we think of social media as a fruit, then oranges, berries, melons, and apples are part of the broader fruit category; wikis, blogs, social news, and networking are part of the broader social media category. This further gets clarified by a recent 2015 research paper that identified four standard features unique to the current social media services: internet-based applications, personal user account, user-generated content, and the development of social networks by community connection.  Therefore, the “social media” being used in the current pandemic situation resonates more with platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp, Snapchat, Instagram, Tiktok, and Youtube, etc., where the users are not just information receiver, but personal account holder on the web, sharing their own content and connecting with other people through mutual interaction around the world.

With being able to decide which image and video to post, which website to surf through, and with whom to communicate, social media expands a person’s life and choices.  Additionally, social media platforms are easy and inexpensive to use, allowing many users to participate in disseminating their voices and ideas.  With the pandemic bringing the widespread implementation of home quarantine and lockdown measures, being at home all day has naturally catalysed an increase in social media consumption for information gathering and opinion sharing. Social media engagement has increased 61 percent  ever since the first wave emerged. However, this high engagement has significantly affected people’s lifestyle and in turn, their mental health. These impacts can be classified as both positive and negative, opening a streamline of evaluation towards limit of social media usage.

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