Essay Sample about YouTube

📌Category: Entertainment, Internet
📌Words: 686
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 31 July 2022

How can Youtube be used in the modern world we live in today? Youtube is a platform that people use to share information and interests and is one of the most used applications on earth. Youtube can be used in many different ways. For example, if a person wants to learn to do a backflip there is probably a video on that but there are infinite possibilities on the software so people can pretty much look up anything and there's a video on it. Youtube can be used as a teaching tool and also a new environment to learn things and also find new interests.

Youtube can be used in many different ways but the majority of people use it for entertainment purposes. Since the majority of people use it for entertainment that means the entertainment has to be uploaded.“Studies show that more than 60 hours of video are uploaded every minute on youtube” (“Impact Of YouTube On Society | Reelnreel Video Marketing”) This is one of the key reasons youtube is used in the modern-day world because of the constant flow of new information flowing onto the software. Youtube is a library of information given to people in video format and this can benefit the new world because of how everything is turning digital. Since there is a constant flow of new information being fed to the software that means important information is also being uploaded, “Many videos are posted on different problems and situations in the society that were happening around the corners of the world.”(“Impact Of YouTube On Society | Reelnreel Video Marketing”)  “These bring a great change in the society towards a problem.”(“Impact Of YouTube On Society | Reelnreel Video Marketing”)  This can bring awareness to issues that need to be addressed and it just brings an overall benefit and it is a way to use Youtube in the world we live in today.

Youtube isn't just used purely for entertainment purposes, it's also used in the business world. Youtube is known for its videos but also for its advertisements in the videos we the consumers watch. “Recently, more and more businesses have started to use YouTube as a channel to communicate with their existing customers and expose themselves to potential customers. And with the massive reach it has, it’s no shocker that businesses are turning to YouTube to expand their marketing efforts.”(“Impact Of YouTube On Society | Reelnreel Video Marketing.” ReelnReel, 9 January 2017, ) Marketers and people trying to sell a product are taking a look into youtube to show and advertise their products. “YouTube has created a great environment and provided great support to the marketers with different video ads and different targeting approaches for their brands and businesses.”(“Impact Of YouTube On Society | Reelnreel Video Marketing.” ReelnReel, 9 January 2017, ) This plays a big part because ads are how people make money on youtube. After all, companies are paying to have their product shown while people watch their videos.

Youtube may be used for marketing tactics and the sharing of information but it is also used in the music industry. Youtube is very notable for having a variety of music on the software but its main aspect they shine on is the music video part of it. Many famous artists like “Katy Perry, Bruno Mars, Taylor Swift, and Adel are entertaining the audiences through their albums.”(“Impact Of YouTube On Society | Reelnreel Video Marketing.” ReelnReel, 9 January 2017, ) This has allowed artists to spread their music mainstream and show their music to the world. Apart from the artists, the main reason people can get famous so quickly is because of the massive fan base youtube brings. “For example, if we take ‘Justin Bieber’ who is most popular within a short span for his style of music albums. He has 37,905,435+ subscribers, and such a huge fan following on YouTube will reveal the popularity of Bieber throughout the world.” This is one of the many scenarios that show that youtube is great for showing what people are able to do and sharing it mainstream. (Fonsi and Yankee)

In conclusion, youtube is a very great tool to use in the world we live in today. The possibilities are endless with the information that the people have access to on the software.Youtube can be used as a teacher or people can post information so they can share their opinions and facts with the people using youtube.

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