Essay Sample on Stop Motion Animation

📌Category: Entertainment
📌Words: 479
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 24 July 2022

For stop motion animation or even just draw an animation it took a really long time to even make a 15 minute video or production. When it first started it did not even have color, there was use of miniature explosions, smoke, wires, double exposure, and hand coloring or the tanning and toning of frames to add color to black-and-white footage. That is what made their cinema experience. 

Early stop motion often animators would work single-handedly on projects. It was truly just created for visual effects for the live action productions. Arthur Melbourne- Cooper what is creating stop motion films before the turn of the century. He made animation history. He made three films: Animated Matches Playing Volleyball, which was only 50 seconds long; Animated Matches Playing Cricket, which was only a minute long and 15 seconds; and Matches Appeal, which was only a minute and 15 seconds long. Those were his big three films, he made more than 30 films but truly only six actually made it. His first two films about the matches were about self imagery and his last film about matches where to have people donate money for matches to be sent to the military. His other three films were seven minutes and compressed of six slots. The stop motion sequence truly only lasted for one third part of a film normally. Another big animation of stop motion was A Dream of Toyland it was made with dolls and puppet. It was very hard because the animals joints did not move like regular animals they were stiffed legged and armed, jerky. They moved aimlessly or in really odd ways. But they truly worked with that for every time that it didn’t really go right they more made it into a fighting scene. For example a bear was trying to push another doll up the stairs and the bear started to fall over so they made it show that the doll pushed the bear off.     

For drawn stop motion based on the Lightning- sketch format which had its roots in popular theater but was embraced in the cinema in the early 1890s. That format was made by Tom Mary. The first film really made was by John Stuart Blackton in 1897 The Enchanted Drawing copyrighted in the 1900s. And this it was more of a magic trick he drew a man’s face and then pulled out from the pad of paper several objects and then removes them by stopping the camera meanwhile the character he drew facial expression changed within the span of two frame. He made several other ones using a chalkboard so every time they pause the screen he just erased it from the chalkboard. Back then stop motion was a really amazing thing because it was more of a magic trick they didn’t really understand how things just changed so Blackton really affected the early film process he used his chalkboard drawings and completely erase different things within the stop motion picture. And then stop motion developed into Health film was made today and truly it is “real magical powers“.

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