Essay Sample about Elon Musk

📌Category: Celebrities, Entertainment
📌Words: 684
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 July 2022

If I could travel anywhere in time, it would be to 1995 when Elon Musk started Zip2, which is now known as PayPal. I would examine his every move from then and up until the present day. As for who I would bring, I would bring Elon Musk himself so that he could let me know his thought process and reasoning, for what he did, and why he did it. For those who do not know who Elon is, he is the richest person in the world who owns super innovative companies such as Tesla, SpaceX, and Neuralink. All of his fame and fortune started with Zip2. 

Once we ended up back in the present day I would attempt to replicate his process with my own ideas and hopefully create an innovative and successful product and business venture. I would go through the process of brainstorming for the business. I would have him let me in on how he managed to stay motivated while building his businesses and how I can find the motivation to do the same.

Elon Musk is a figure that has faced many challenges along the way to success and I think he is a very important person to know about. When I go back in time and see what he did wrong, I would learn from his mistakes, hoping to have fewer of my own allowing me to take a little risk when starting my own business. Elon Musk is not only a successful person in business, but he has a great personality. He has a great sense of humor, and he is very passionate about what he does. Elon is a hardworking person who never gives up. Watch any interview and you will hear how he stood with Tesla and SpaceX, as well as his other companies during the darkest times. You can see how he overcame the many challenges that he was forced to face, and how he balanced work with his life. Elon has been divorced three times and has three children, raising them must have been a challenge for someone in his position. Elon is also very humble. He lives a normal/realistic lifestyle so he is able to support his companies and family. Unlike other billionaires, he doesn't dress or act like one. If you did not know who Elon Musk was and you saw him walking down the street, you would not think anything of it. When looking at all of Elon's work you can tell that he is very passionate, based on the fact that he doesn't sell his modern-day businesses, and he is always looking to innovate our lives in one way or another.

Elon is clearly someone that you can get a lot of value out of, in multiple areas of your life. Not only is he a person you can go to for business advice, but for life advice as well. The only thing I don't suggest asking him about is sleeping habits. Elon doesn't get much sleep. often less than 6 hours, and he might even sleep in a Tesla factory, or a Space X facility.

To elaborate on why I would go back to that specific moment in time. I would go because it was a huge turning point in Elon's career. I would like to see his work ethic when he was doing well instead of when he was not doing so well. For example, Zip2/PayPal has voted the worst company of the year. Elon was rejected when he applied to Netscape. Tesla almost went bankrupt before it was profitable, and people said SpaceX would fail. Every time, Elon has proved people wrong and has become very successful.

For the reasons above, I would travel back to Elon’s earliest success, and I would bring Elon so that he could describe everything that was going through his head at that moment in time. At that point in his life, it was all or nothing. I want to not only know but understand how he dealt with the stress of that situation and how he overcame all of the challenges that he faced while spending all day in an office that was also his home. Not to mention, he was sharing the space with his brother. Overall Ellon is a great guy that you can get a lot of value and great advice from because of his business and family success.

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