The Nobel Prize and Bob Dylan: Argumentative Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Musicians
📌Words: 327
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 27 July 2022

Musicians and writers have a lot in common. But does that mean musicians like Bob Dylan deserve the Nobel Prize in Literature? A debate sparked back in 2016 when Bob Dylan got the award. People say he deserves it, while critics on the other hand disagree. I'll be explaining why I think Bob Dylan rightfully deserves the award. 

Musicians can inspire others, people even say it's like poetry. Schools have devoted themselves to analyzing his work "Literary scholars have long debated whether Mr. Dylan’s lyrics can stand on their own as poetry, and an astonishing volume of academic work has been devoted to parsing his music. The Oxford Book of American Poetry included his song “Desolation Row” in its 2006 edition, and Cambridge University Press released The Cambridge Companion to Bob Dylan in 2009, further cementing his reputation as a brilliant literary stylist." Article 4

Not only is Dylan's music inspiring, but it also covers heavy topics, making it have the same weight as any other piece of a writer. These topics can include love to politics ' “Dylan has recorded a large number of albums revolving around topics like the social conditions of man, religion, politics, and love. The lyrics have continuously been published in new editions, under the title Lyrics' Article 2.

Other people might say since Dylan is a musician, they argue his art isn't as high class as actual poems and writing. Now, I may agree if it wasn't for the fact that the standard for what's 'low and high class' art has changed over the years. The award just proves that musicians can be high-class artists “It’s literature, but it’s music, it’s performance, it’s art, it’s also highly commercial,” said David Hajdu, a music critic for The Nation who has written extensively about Mr. Dylan and his contemporaries. “The old categories of high and low art, they’ve been collapsing for a long time, but this is it being made official.” article 4

Musicians and writers can create inspiring pieces of work with just their words. Dylan getting the prize has started many arguments. Musicians deserve to be taken as seriously as writers.

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