Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 498
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 17 July 2022

In the film “Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back” by George Lucas, Yoda is seen taking the young Luke Skywalker to his hut. This is done to observe him and determine if Luke is worthy of being taught by Yoda. To determine what Yoda is looking for in Luke or even a student at best, the notice, interpret and apply method will be used to determine what is being looked for. This scene will be looked at then it will be interpreted that patience is what Yoda is looking for in a student and figure out how patience applies to the classroom. A good student will need patience when in a learning environment and that it is of utmost importance that it is learned.

In the film clip, one can notice many things occurring in the hut that helps determine what Yoda is looking for in a student. Luke is seen being anxious and rash when talking and Yoda is telling Luke to be patient and to relax. This can be seen several more times where Yoda replies with, “‘Patience!  For the Jedi, it is time to eat as well…Not far.  Yoda is not far.  Patience.  Soon you will be with him’ (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back).’' This displays how Yoda is testing Luke to whether he is student material for him and that Luke seems to be missing what Yoda wants in a student. Once Yoda deems Luke unteachable he hears the voice of Obi-Wan Kenobi, his old student telling him that he should teach Luke. Obi-Wan Kenobi responds to Yoda with, “‘He will learn patience…Was I any different when you taught me?... So was I, if you'll remember (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back).’" This implies that Yoda had taught students before that didn’t have the skill he wanted in them but developed it over time.  It is determined that Yoda emphasizes the importance of what skill a student needs and it can be developed over time from observing.

Now, noticing what has occurred in the clip, the actions and words of Yoda can be interpreted that a student has to be patient when learning. This is clear since we can see Yoda repeating that Luke needs to be patient during his time in his hut. Taking the information from the second paragraph Yoda says, “‘Patience!  For the Jedi, it is time to eat as well…Not far…Yoda is not far.  Patience.  Soon you will be with him (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back).’” This indicates that patience is a skill that is necessary for learning skills and it is a key factor in a learning environment. Though, many are not born with patience instilled so it must be learned over time. Obi-Wan Kenobi reminded Yoda that patience can be learned when he said, “‘ He will learn patience…Was I any different when you taught me? (Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back).’” Implying that Obi-Wan was once a student that had no patience, but had learned it over time through the training that he had with Yoda. Looking, back patience can be considered a necessary aspect of learning and anyone can develop this trait even when one is impatient.

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