When Harry Met Sally Movie Analysis Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Movies
📌Words: 313
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 July 2022

In When Harry Met Sally, Rob Reiner uses the development of a friendship between two very different people to establish that time and connection is the most critical part of a relationship. 

Reiner first shows Sally and Harry ordering at a diner to present Harry’s and Sally’s personalities. While Harry orders a simple meal, Sally is very specific about what she wants; Harry repeatedly refers to Sally’s preference of “on the side”. (0:08:36-00:09:05). Through their conversation at the diner, the audience learns that they are very different; while Harry is easy-going and straightforward, Sally is strict and structured. Reiner does not intend for the audience to criticize Sally, but to show how they connect despite clashing personalities. They can talk about their relationships openly, despite being acquaintances. Paired with the soft music and blurred background, the table between them isn’t a barrier but how they are getting to know each other.

Reiner uses time as a device to show the growing connection between the two characters. The next scene in the film is eleven years later. The film shows a split-screen shot of Harry and Sally watching a movie over the phone. It is intimate as it seems they are ignoring the movie, rather finding solace in the other’s company through each other’s voices. Harry describes Sally as high maintenance. Instead of retorting, Sally agrees with him and is amused with his attempts to practice moaning (00:36-56-00:38:30). The split-screen shot provides the view that not only the characters are seeing the same thing, but they are also feeling the same things.  Because they have been friends for a long time, they have learned to rely on each other for judgment. What they say is not a criticism but of acceptance. 

Although the title of the film makes it clear how it will end, Reiner crafts each scene meticulously to focus on the intensifying relationship over time between the two characters. Reiner focuses on the journey, rather than the result, producing an enjoyable experience on how a relationship can begin and grow.

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