Effects of Social Media on Adolescents Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 650
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 17 July 2022

Social media is a form of electronic communication that allows users to share content with others and connect through social networking. The rise of the Information Age during the 21st century has led to several advancements in technology including the invention of laptops, smartphones, and tablet devices. Each of these innovations has made it possible for teens to communicate with one another over the internet through social media. Prior to the invention of technology, communication options were limited, as teens had to call their friends on old-fashioned phones, send letters, or meet up with them in person. Social media provides today’s generation of teenagers with the opportunity to stay connected with peers, keep up to date on world events, and meet new people online within the comfort of their own home. Although social media creates a platform for adolescents to connect on a global scale, it is believed that spending too much time on social media may negatively impact a teen’s physical, emotional, and mental well-being.

Adolescents today spend a considerable amount of time on social media and this is taking a toll on their physical health. According to a recent study conducted by the Cable News Network (CNN) in 2019, American teens spend more than seven hours per day on social media, and this does not even include schoolwork. Although social media does not directly impact teens themselves, spending too much time in front of a screen is taking away from valuable time that teens could be engaging in other activities (in text). Social media is indirectly affecting the amount of sleep teens receive per night and the physical activity in which they engage in, according to researchers at the British Broadcasting Corporation (in text citations). Both adequate sleep and regular physical activity are essential for teens to achieve optimal physical health. The American Academy of Sleep Medicine recommends that because their bodies are still growing, teens should receive eight to ten hours of sleep per night in order to perform their best (in text). When teens use social media too close to their bed time, this can have adverse effects on sleep patterns because the technology releases a blue light. The blue light has been found to interrupt natural circadian rhythm, which can make it difficult to fall asleep initially and result in teens being groggy the next day (in text). It is recommended that in order for teens to achieve quality sleep that they refrain from using social media less than two hours before bedtime (in text). Alternative activities such reading and gentle stretching should replace social media in order to encourage relaxation (in text). 

In addition to sleep, making sure that they receive enough physical activity is also essential for the physical well-being of a teen. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that teenagers receive at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day in order to lead a healthy lifestyle (in text). Unfortunately, many teens do not meet this recommendation for exercise due to the fact that they spend a considerable amount of time on social media. This sedentary way of living is taking a toll on their physical health by increasing their risk for health-related conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, and type 2 diabetes. 

By staring at a screen for prolonged periods of time, teens can also develop incorrect posture which may eventually lead to musculoskeletal issues. Many technological devices require the user to hunch forward and look down at the screen, which can put significant strain on the neck muscles. The pain in which users feel in their neck after looking down at their phones is called “tech neck”, which targets the shoulders, neck, and spine. In addition to poor posture, it is also not uncommon for teens who are heavy social media users to experience eye strain. When teens use technology for a significant amount of time, their eyes may become blurry and dry, making it difficult to see. Several factors such screen time, screen brightness, and screen glare, contribute to eye strain. Fortunately, there are steps that can be taken to avoid poor posture and eyestrain such as taking breaks from looking at screens, taking stretching breaks, and correcting underlying posture problems.

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