Essay Sample about Misty Copeland

📌Category: Celebrities, Entertainment
📌Words: 843
📌Pages: 4
📌Published: 05 August 2022

Misty Copeland was a girl who had to overcome a lot of challenges in her life. She had trouble with her family, her money, and her career. She had to overcome all these challenges until she was accepted into the American Ballet Theater at the age of 18. This very event has led to the unexpected path of dance for Misty. Misty Copeland, a  graceful ballet dancer, influenced the world of ballet by being the first African American female principal dancer in the American Ballet Theatre (ABT); her work has impacted numerous individuals today.

Misty Copeland was born on September 10, 1982, in Kansas City, Missouri, and raised in San Pedro, California. She began her ballet studies at the age of 13 at the San Pedro City Ballet. She studied at the American Ballet Theatre’s Summer Intensive on full scholarship and was declared ABT’s National Coca-Cola Scholar in 2000. (“American Ballet Theatre- Misty Copeland”, n.d.)

Copeland’s life had been difficult with her mother switching boyfriends all the time and constantly worrying about whether they would be able to afford dinner with a family of seven. She was attending classes that were close to her home until her mom had a divorce. Her family moved to a small one-room hotel that was far from her school and her studio. She was heartbroken when her mom told her that she had to quit ballet because of its cost and her family lacked adequate finances. Lucky for her though, Cindy Bradley, offered to coach Misty on the weekdays and let her go home on the weekends. She also lowered the price of the classes for her mother because they couldn’t afford many classes. Soon after, her mom thought that it was time for Misty to come back home and stop staying with the Bradleys. Misty and the Bradley family disagreed and this created a huge custody battle that was publicized on the news. Copeland was scared and afraid about what was going to happen. Eventually, her mom filed a restraining order on the Bradleys and was brought back home. She was able to escape this messy ordeal in New York when she was accepted into the American Ballet Theatre at the age of 18. (“about Misty Copeland. Weebly”, n.d.)

Misty joined a boys and girls dance club at the age of 13. She sat on the bleachers for the first 2 weeks watching the other boys and girls learn the basics of ballet. Even though her teacher tried to encourage her to join and not sit, she still wouldn’t move from her seat in the bleachers. One day, Misty changed into a T-shirt, shorts, and socks and decided to give ballet a chance. She felt out of place with her other classmates weaning leotards and tights. By the end of class, she felt so awkward and unconfident that she decided to quit ballet. Cindy Bradley, the ballet teacher, saw the natural talent in Misty and convinced her to come back. Misty was older than most beginners, but she was a natural. Cindy offered Misty a full scholarship to her ballet school and let her have free ballet clothes for her ballet lessons. Misty’s mom was very proud.

Soon, Misty’s mom found a job and her family moved into a nice apartment. Misty worked hard at her new ballet studio and soon earned an invitation to a summer program at the American Ballet Theatre! The next year, after Misty graduated from high school, she moved to New York City to become a member of ABT. As she was walking around the busy streets of New York City, she saw a beautiful mix of people of different races and felt at home. But inside ABT, she saw that all the students around her were all white dancers and she was the only black woman out of dozens of dancers. Shortly after joining, Misty experienced a terrible pain in her back that would need a year to recover. Once she rejoined ballet, her body shape changed into a shape some thought wasn’t right for ballet. Misty was hurt by the thought that some people did not think women with brown skin and curves could be ballerinas. Even though it hurt her feelings, other African American dancers helped her regain her confidence that she belongs in ballet. Misty found strength in herself and danced for the African American dancers who never had a chance to rise to the top. She also danced for all the kids who would one day follow her example of not giving up on their dreams.

Five years later, she showed everyone that she deserved the spotlight and got the role of a lifetime in The Firebird. For months, Misty pushed herself to keep practicing even when her leg began to hurt. She did not realize that she had several fractures that could threaten her career. On opening night, Misty’s pain was horrible. Even though her body was in pain, she focused on all the people who believed in her and became the Firebird. Days later, Misty had to take another break from ABT and have major surgery. 

Three years later, Misty returned to ABT and achieved her lifelong goal of becoming a principal dancer. Since then, she became the first African American female principal dancer in the company’s history. Misty, the shy little girl with the big talent, had become the star she was always meant to be. ( “A Girl Named Misty”, 2018).

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