Social Media Research Essay Example

📌Category: Entertainment, Social Media
📌Words: 452
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 06 August 2022

Social media is always working in the background of time. We will communicate, move, tweet, like and reblog at all times of the day. According to the British Psychological Society, about 90% of teens are on social media. Always realizing what their peers are doing on a day-to-day basis will be detrimental to their mental state. Social media can also affect your ability to focus. Studies have shown that social media use can cause anxiety and depression. It's important to realize that social media is not the only way to stay connected with friends and family.

Teenagers are highly susceptible to the dangers of social media. It can lead to problems in school and issues in relationships. As mentioned on Daily Gleaner "Teenagers are already self-conscious and vulnerable to what others say, said Pate, the Sheppard Pratt psychiatrist." (McDaniels) Many people think that social media is just for fun. However, it's mainly been causing issues in the United States. Social media is essentially cultural relation on steroids. People showcase the most aspirational version of themselves on social media — original homes, overpriced dinners, unusual holidays. It's human nature to consider ourselves to others in order to discover how to act and measure social expectations, but that turns into difficult when it feeds down self-esteem or stimulates anxiety.

Why is social media driving the psychological health situation among teenagers? Researchers have discovered that strong social media usage may lead to resentment, jealousy, still questioning of one's self-worth. Those who grow accustomed to communicating via text may have crippling social anxiety; in-person connection, after all, may not be edited and operated like the curated online language. (a recent international study by LivePerson found that 75% of English Generation Z and Millennials respondents like to speak to people via text communication, over in-person.) That, Certainly, has impacted young people's power to interact with one another, as they are less frequently exposed to spoken and visible affective cues, e.g., tone of voice, posture, and eye contact. Kerry Cronin, a professor at Boston College, noticed the cultural ineptitudes of her young students and decided to get going on the date the official teaching task. "You must take somebody out personally (i.e., not in the text message, Facebook, or IM),'' this task outlines.

There are several reasons why ultimate social media gratification will lead to corrupted emotional power. For starters, the longer the teen spends experience on social media sites, e.g., Facebook or Instagram, the more represent the opportunities of them turning into victims of cyber-bullying. So there are different aspects, such as artificial expressions of the real lives on social media which tend to evoke a powerful feeling of resentment and self-doubt at the observers. As a matter of fact, these times people go to lengths but boast about their "ideal lives, "which is why today and then there is information about something coming to their deaths from the business in an effort to get the "glamorous selfie.''

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