Why Do We Enjoy Watching Rich People on TV

📌Category: Entertainment, Experience, Life, Television
📌Words: 670
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 14 April 2021

Many people enjoy watching rich people because of their lifestyle. We like comparing ourselves to rich people on tv and movies because usually, we enjoy identifying their flaws and proving to ourselves that they are not perfect. In today’s world, mainly everything is about the way you look or the particular reason for this circumstance is because of your social status/class being able to see other people’s lives allows us to know that none is perfect and we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover. We like to watch rich people on TV and in the movies because it’s interesting to watch the freedom of their lifestyle. 

Being able to watch the way they live life allows us to also be involved in their lives. There are many ways to be able to catch up on their life and be able to see the drama and tea that they live. As Torabi Farnoosh explains, “Taking a break to watch the Kardashian sisters fight over, say, in the bag from Kim’s closet, is at best, some escapism. At worst, it sends the message that when you’re rich, you, too, can afford to be neglectful of a $25,000 handbag”. This actively demonstrates that many celebrities or influencers fight or go through drama and tea. Many things go on in their lives that end up being posted on social media that allows us to see what goes on in their lives. These many things help us be entertained due to all the drama that goes on. Influencers and celebrities get drawn into drama every day and it allows us to get a glimpse of what goes on. They get in fights with other celebrities or influencers or go through breaks up. Many people enjoy knowing what goes on in their life due to all the publicity that evolves around it.

The views, comments, and likes they get add up and allow them to get the stuff they want or have. This adds up to them having the freedom and getting to know the world and gaining fame and wealth. As Torabi Farnoosh explains, “It's extreme and all for show, but I fear some viewers are falsely making the connection between the materialism and trivial plot lines and what it means to be and act wealthy”. This actively demonstrates that many things are going on in the world. Many people think influencers or celebrities get hate just because of the way they act. Many fans don’t understand that celebrities are humans too. The views, comments, and likes all help the influencers be who they are and it allows them to be able to travel and have their freedom. Many influencers and celebrities make many different types of entertainment to be able to live the life they live. Many things are behind a designer bag or expensive things like private jets. Being able to watch them and get entertained by them allows us to see the real them. They entertain us and it allows us to see exciting and interesting things.

To sum up, everything that has been stated so far, many people enjoy the way rich people live and enjoy their lifestyle due to having the freedom and the drama that goes on in their lives. It’s important because of the various things that go on in their life, I demonstrate two reasons why people watch the life of rich people and the way they can be misinterpreted and entertained. I enjoy watching what they have and how they live due to the world they are surrounded by and the way they get shown. Tv shows and movies allow us to be entertained and interested in their life to be able to see ours from a different perspective. I believe that rich people can get involved in many things and many people twist their words on the internet to make it look like something else. The life of rich people can make us feel many different emotions like happy, sad, entertained, mad, and many more due to what they have and what others don’t. Many people can agree with me on how they like watching rich people on tv and shows because of the way they live their life. 


Torabi, Farnoosh.  “When Watching the Wealthy, a Fictional Barrier is Healthier.”  New York Times 2014.

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