The Automobile and the Economy Essay Sample

📌Category: Business, Cars, Economics, History, History of the United States, Industry, Life
📌Words: 495
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 31 July 2022

The American way of life is immensely reliant on the automobile. First invented in the 1800's, this luxury item was meant to solve the issue of pollution due to horse manure that was strung across streets. As popularity of the automobile increased, jobs sprouted across the U.S. Along that, farmers were no longer isolated from important services, like health care and farmer's markets. Not to mention the production of the automobile impacted the economy greatly, generating millions of dollars.

To begin, as popularity of the automobile increased, millions of jobs were generated to help support the growing industry. As more people gained access to automobiles, people had more freedoms. People could travel more and across greater distances than ever before. Because of this, road-side motels and restaurants were built all across the country. Gas stations were a necessity for any motorist, and mechanic shops were needed to keep automobiles in good condition. According to, "The Rise of the Automobile", "All these businesses required workers, creating new types of employment." Upon this, thousands of new types of jobs were created all under the automobile and supporting the motorist.

Continuing on, farmers across the nation were no longer shackled from vital services, like health care and farmer's markets. As stated in, "20th Century Automobiles", "They could ship their products to new markets by truck...with faster delivery came fresher food." While horse and carriage were still used for daily transportation, it took hours for farmers to reach local towns, which meant their products wouldn't be as fresh as quick delivery, and reaching necessary services was extremely difficult. Farmers could provide a wider variety of products because the conditions were less harsh on the products versus before. Gaining daily life necessities, like medications and toiletries, was much easier to access. Along that, the horizon for farmers was expanded by the automobile.

Furthermore, the economy of America was impacted greatly. Millions of dollars were generated from every aspect of the automobile. To production of parts, road side assistance, recreational racing, and house production played a huge part in boosting America's economic growth. As spoken in, "The Ups and Downs of Automobiles", "The dash is made up of many different parts. There's the steering wheel, steering column, gauges, vents, and air control just to name some of the basics." Before a car can be assembled, each individual part must be completed in order to create a fully functional automobile, so that made the value of a automobile very high. Houses were built in different styles to adapt to the automobile, like the addition of garages. Which made those house worth more than ones without. As more things of daily usage adjusted to the automobile, the economy boomed in wealth.

To close, The American life is fueled and centered around the automobile. During the 1800's, horse manure pollution was a huge issue, so the production of the automobile was meant to fix that. As popularity of the automobile grew, millions of new types of employment opportunities sprouted across the country, and farmers were no longer isolated from society's benefits. Not to mention the economy grew in wealth. With that, the automobile has become a key necessity to every American, and as we keep progressing, that reliance will only grow.

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