Alexander The Great Essay Sample

📌Category: Historical Figures, History
📌Words: 346
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 22 July 2022

Alexander the Great was a king of the ancient Greek kingdom of Macedon. Taking over for his father, Phillip II, in 332 BC,  Alexander made it his goal to free the Greeks under Asia Minor and to spread Greek culture. Although king of Macedon for less than 13 years, Alexander created a vast empire that stretched from Macedonia to India. By conquering these civilizations, he was able to practice hellenism, which is the spreading of Greek culture. Alexander of Macedon deserved the title “the Great '' because he used advanced military tactics, freed the Egyptians from tyranny, and allowed the areas he conquered to keep and their culture. 

After taking over as king in 332 BC, Alexander set out with a small army to Asia Minor. His use of the phalanx and cavalry, combined with an innate sense of command, put his enemy on the defensive, enabling him to never lose a battle. His first task as king of Macedon was to liberate Greek cities along the Ionian coast from Persian control. After freeing the Greek cities, he would continue to work his way south towards Egypt. By beating the Persians in Asia Minor, Alexander became the king of Eastern Asia. After conquering these cities, he began the second part of his plan, which was spreading Greek culture. Alexander tried to spread Greek culture, by forcing multiple civilizations to inherit each other’s customs, traditions, religions, etc. Although his goal of spreading Greek culture worked, Alexander would be remembered for his military brilliance, and his impressive conquest of much of the known world. 

By using advanced military tactics, freeing the Egyptians from tyranny, and allowing the areas he conquered to keep and their culture, Alexander of Macedon earned the title “the Great”. Alexander the Great’s military tactics helped defeat and conquer the Persians at the Battle of Granicus, Issus, and Gaugamela. Freeing the Egyptians from tyranny established Alexander as a bold commander and leader. Spreading Greek culture across Asia Minor inspired future civilizations to do the same. Hellenism is still practiced today and has inspired many cultures to share each other's customs, traditions, religions, etc. If Alexander the Great never existed, Persia would continue to dominate the region, and would change much of the known world today.

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