Essay on 9/11 Memorial

📌Category: History, History of the United States, Social Issues, Terrorism
📌Words: 562
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 15 April 2021

September 9, 2001 four planes were hijacked, two of them crashed into the World Trade Center in New York; the third plane crashed into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, and the last plane crashed into a field in Pennsylvania. Thousands of lives were ended that day.  Shortly after this attack the  9/11 memorial was then built in the exact location of the twin towers. The purpose of this beautiful memorial is dedicated to honoring those that lost their life in this attack. What makes this piece so meaningful is the rhetorical devices used throughout this piece which are the symbolism of the water, the use of water for it's sound, and the placement of the names. These all play a part in why this memorial greatly impacts those viewing this memorial and to show that no one will be forgotten on 9/11.

First a major factor in this memorial is the symbolism of water. Water is one of the main symbols shown from a man who researches regarding memorials.  Eric Baldwin stated in an article, “not only does water symbolize life” then he goes on to say, “Memorials built upon water’s attributes to define spatial experience and tell crucial stories.” (Baldwin) This shows that the symbolism of water in memorials has a huge meaning that can easily be overlooked. From this piece it shows that the water inside this memorial has the meaning of life but then that water (life) goes into the small square opening it shows that life is lost which demonstrates (to all those viewing this memoria). In doing so this skillfully communicates that to those viewing this memorial that no one will be forgotten. 

Next the well thought out use of water not just as a symbol in the 9/11 memorial but a way to make the location peaceful. An architect (who helped design and make this memorial) Michael Arad stated, “The sound of the cascading water makes the pools a place of tranquility and contemplation separate from the bustling noises of the city.”(About the Memorial) The memorial was placed  in the exact locations of the twin towers in a loud busy place which can distract from the memorial, but the utilization of the flowing water cancels out those sounds of the city to make the experience that much more intimate, quiet, and emotional for those viewing it. This gives the viewers the “tranquility” to remember the lives that were taken in the multiple attacks on 9/11. 

Lastly, the significant placement of the names of those who had died from the 9/11 attack. Each name is inscribed on bronze that is edging the memorial pools in a “meaningful adjacence”(About the Memorial). This was achieved by architect Michael Arad and landscape architect Peter Walker who stated that the “names are grouped by the locations and circumstances in which victims found themselves during the attacks.”(“About the Memorial.”) They were also grouped by people who were relatives and friends. This strategic placement of each and every individual name adds so much sentimental value and love to this memorial which communicates to those viewing this memorial that no one will ever be forgotten in this traumatic experience where thousands of lives were lost.

In conclusion the meaningful aspects of this monument skillfully show the viewers that this memorial clearly delivers its message that those who died in these multiple attacks will never be forgotten. With the use of water to symbolize the lives lost, also to cancel out the city noises, and the strategic placement of the names of those who passed. These strategies all come together to add a beautiful well throughout experience for people to remember.

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