The History of the Song Dynasty Essay Example

📌Category: China, Culture, History, History of China, Traditions, World
📌Words: 551
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 05 June 2021

The Song Dynasty was a golden age for China. Built on the Sui and Tang Dynasty, the Song were able to take their predecessors' accomplishments and build on them. Using the Grand Canal built during the Sui Dynasty, they began a prosperous empire through trade. However, trade was also essential to the balance of social structures as well. Merchants were found at the bottom of the hierarchy, due to Confucian belief that those who profit off the hard labor of others should be chastised. Merchants, whilst at the bottom of the social pyramid, had the most power when it came to trade, their wealth comparable to gentries. Trade was able to bolster a golden age in the Song Dynasty whilst also degrading social status’.  

Song merchants were able to use their knowledge of trade and resources to build an economic empire for the Song Dynasty, yet another Golden Age for China. Song merchants traded materials such as silk, porcelain, jewelry, and rice for silver and other metals that they needed for horse equipment and military gear. The Song Dynasty developed quickly in their economy through manufacturing and commerce. Advancements in iron and steel production massively improved the economy, even causing a population increase. The Song were wealthy and intelligent; they created the moveable type, the compass, and gunpowder. Through iron manufacturing, farming, and trading, the Song became very wealthy. Trade allowed the Song to get necessary materials they would need for warfare, helping to expand their empire. However, trading influenced the economy indirectly as well. The Song established tributary states. They traded silk, porcelain, tea, and other luxurious materials in exchange for safety from their enemies. Due to the Song Dynasty paying off their enemies, the Song grew and prospered without worrying about future attacks. Their empire spanned for several centuries, and was a golden age. The Song economy was massively impacted by trade, either for foreign materials they needed for warfare, or trading materials for safety. Had the Song never established these tributary states and foreign relations with other countries through trade, their empire would not have lasted the three golden centuries that it did. 

Trade was a very important concept to the Song. Trade kept them alive by  paying off their enemies and gaining necessary materials for warfare and agriculture. However, although trade itself was held in high remarks, those who practiced it were not. Merchants were found at the bottom of the social hierarchy of the Song Dynasty. This was because of the Confucininist style of government set in place during the time period. According to Confucious, those who profited off the hard labor of other people did not bring anything to society. The Song also shared his sentiment, ranking merchants below the peasants that work for them. Merchants held extreme wealth, but weren’t allowed to hold land. During China, those who had land settlements were considered very prosperous and were named Gentries. Although merchants were essential to the trade of Song China, they were looked down upon socially because they were taking someone else's hard labor and work, and selling it as their own. This caused the development of the merchant’s social class to plummet. 

Trade was one of the key factors behind the Song Dynasty’s prosperous lifespan. It set the foundation for a golden age even greater than the Tang Dynasty’s. Through tributary states and canals, trade grew, and so did the Song’s wealth. However, whilst the Song prospered from trade, those who participated in trade itself were socially isolated. They were looked down upon for selling the result of hard labor from others.

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