Reason for the Worsening of the Relations Between the USA and USSR Essay Sample

📌Category: History, History of the United States, USSR
📌Words: 713
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 30 June 2022

I disagree with this statement that the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia was the main reason for the worsening of relations between the superpowers. I think that it didn't play an important role in the relations and that the main cause for the worsening in relations between the USA and USSR.

One cause for the worsening relations between the USA and the soviet union was because of the communist takeover of Czechoslovakia. The USA was trying to contain the spread of Communism and soviet expansion, and Czechoslovakia was a threat for Starlin because it was the last country for his buffer zone that was a threat towards him. I don't think it did anything to the relation between the superpowers because Truman didn't do anything to stop Starlin from overthrowing the president, and Starlin was happy he completed the buffer zone.

Another cause for the worsening of relations between the USA and the USSR was the Truman Doctrine and the Marshal Plan. The Truman doctrine was put in place to assist countries being threatened by communism and to give them help to rebuild and defend their countries after the second world war from Starlin. The Doctrine was also in place to stop the spread of communism not to help the satellite states already under Starlin's control because it would insight war if they did. The marshal plan was there to back up the Doctrine financially, to support countries affected by communism and/or the second world war in Europe. They first used this idea during the Greek civil war to help royalists against non-royalists in an effort to stop communism from rising there. This was not a direct attack against Starlin who did not help the offending side but communism was spreading without his input. He was angry at the defeat of communism in Greece. It worsened relations because of how Starlin was happy with the spread without his input but it was stopped by the USA. It was not the main reason for the worsening of the relation between the USA and the soviet union because the USSR came up with a counter to The Truman Doctrine and the Marshall plan with Comecon. It was put in place because Starlin wanted to keep communist states (satellite states) turning capitalist and to limit the power the USA had in East Europe, basically no satellite state would accept the money given by the USA but would get money from the USSR. Overall it didn't affect the USA because the soviet union only applied their plan to their satellite states and the USA helped other countries, they didn't interfere with each other.

I think the main reason for the worsening of the relations between the superpowers was because of the first Berlin Crisis. During the second world war, USA and USSR worked together closely and had a common enemy Hitler and then after the end of the war they split Germany into Sectors. Stalin wanted to keep all of Germany because the USSR lost the most because of the war and he thought that it should be fully communist. France, UK and USA decided to combine their areas to make Trizonia as well as combining their zones in the capital. Finally, Germany was split in half and this caused tension. The First Berlin Crisis brought Starlin to take serious actions against the Trizonia's part of the capital. He created a blockade meaning that no one could get in or out. The people who lived there ran out of supplies in a month. Stalin did this to show that they needed to be united and that he should have full power because Berlin was in his section. Then came a ten-month airlift of food and supplies to the people in West Berlin, they kept this up until Starlin decided to stop the blockade. This lead to countries forming NATO in case they were attacked by Starlin in any matter all those countries who joined would go to the aid of the country in need, this clearly shows that Starlin was a threat to all. This caused a worsening in the relation between the two superpowers because Starlin created the Blockade and the USA did not agree with this.

Overall I believe that the First Berlin Crisis was the main reason for the worsening of the relations between the superpowers because they were going head-to-head in how the country should operate and that it was the only event that caused the most issues, it leads to the creation of a group to defend themselves against Starlin showing how big of a threat he was especially during the crisis.

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