Essay Sample about The Canadian Pacific Railway (CPR)

📌Category: Canada, History, Poems, World
📌Words: 825
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 02 August 2022

The CPR railway was a massive success for many people and especially in Canada. This railway brought hope to many other countries and people in those countries to immigrate to Canada this railway gave them purpose. When all these people who worked on the railway passed away if it was in construction or just of old age, these people had the feeling of leaving a legacy their efforts were not in vain. One of the main issues of working on this railway was the mistreatment of the workers these workers had to deal with discrimination, mistreatment, and dangerous things, these dangerous tasks could have been safe if they were provided proper equipment. We will go into more detail about how it was good working on this railway like getting paid or how it was bad working on this railway because of mistreatment.

The cons of the CPR railway. When we think of a railway we think of the good things because it is helping connect places so it can help with populating other parts of Canada but no there are some dark sides of this railway. Many people working on the railway were trying to make money, but they made very little of it. Canada was massively benefiting from that but the workers were not. These workers were dealing with massive discrimination. Canada got many Chinese workers to work on this railway, but these workers were just doing the dirty work for Canada how so? Well, Canada would underpay these workers only the Chinese ones, they made around 1 dollar well the Irish workers would make around 2-$2.50 a day. This was because of their race. Canada was not giving enough proper funding or equipment to ensure the safety of its workers. Canada would make them blow up holes in mountains to lay tracks down in them. They did not have the proper equipment to do so, or they would have to climb over mountains, but they did not have harnesses or ropes to do so many of the time. Mistreatment was a big issue with all workers. They would let them live in these houses, but they were very small houses that were shared by many people these were called bunkhouses (they were not too sanitary). The mistreatment just continued, for 4 years the workers had to endure hellish conditions many of the time they would be working for 12-16 hours a day for 4 years. They would be swinging hammers, and or laying down tracks. Without long breaks, they do this every day Canada would underpay to so it was really unfair because they had to do dangerous and excruciating work for only 1 dollar or 2 dollars a day. In the end, the workers were not treated right Canada should be apologizing for what they did, all of what happened the mistreatment, deaths (because of dangerous tasks), and discrimination could have been prevented.

Pros of working on the railway? There were many to be exact, this benefited all parties involved like Canada and the worker. They were paid and got a place to live. Many people who were working on the railway was coming from poverty or poor places like China or poor family in Canada. Canada was providing these workers with money, a home, and food. It might have been small amounts but it was beneficial to Canada because they can save money, and to the workers, because they had a good environment to stay in. Immigration, many of the workers coming from other countries like China or Ireland (Europe) were seeking immigration to another country that is safe. This construction of the CPR railway gave the Chinese employment (that's what they were looking for), and Europe people immigration. They both got what they wanted and Canada got what they wanted which was workers to build the railway. They needed it fast due to a time crunch and decreasing funds. Helped Canada and left a legacy. Canada was in desperate need of workers that were cheap and efficient. They hired around 15000 Chinese workers to add on to the other workers, because they needed it done fast. These people working got the chance to leave something to fulfill there life. When they died they had the feeling of leaving something behind to give to many generations to come and the feeling that they helped Canada. Canada benefited from this and the workers benefited no one was forced to do anything this railway was extremely beneficial to both parties. 

This railway was a wonderful thing in the long run, it helped so many people fulfill their life and helped Canada transport goods and bring the population back up in some other places. The CPR railway is still a thing in the 21st century this proves that all the workers did leave something. But we still can not leave a blind eye to all the deaths that could have been prevented and the mistreatment that Canada showed to the workers. This railway will forever be a legacy to all the workers who worked for it and hopefully Canada is regretful for all the negative impacts that they cast on the workers. It is very important for us to remember and honor the workers who died for this country they will always be remembered for the daring task they performed.

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