Essay Example about Colorado in the Winter

📌Category: United States, World
📌Words: 705
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 09 August 2022

While you might know Colorado is cold, it might be colder than what most people are prepared for. During the winter it gets down to 6 degrees. That is extremely cold and can cause hypothermia within minutes. You will need many layers of clothing to be warm in that weather. You also will need something to keep yourself from slipping like yak tracks. So in conclusion you should bring more layers of clothing than you need if it's cold.

You may know Colorado has harsh winters that can be very boring. But there are many fun things to do. Such as skiing, snowboarding, hiking, sledding ect. They are extremely fun but some of them are not for everyone. Some people just like to chill and watch movies, which is fine. In conclusion Colorado has tons of things to do even if you're locked in a winter storm.

There are many bears and moose in Colorado,  that's just a fact. These animals are very dangerous and should be kept far away from us if possible. A moose will attack you if put in that situation so tread with caution. There are an estimated 3000 moose in colorado and hitting them with your car could be dangerous for you as if able they will attack back.

It has great hikes everywhere. A couple minute walk will get you to the closest hike from the mainstreet. Some of these great hikes are mount royal, rainbow lake, ten mile trail and trail to breckenridge. These hikes aren't very difficult but they sure are pretty, having the whole view of frisco and many mountains. In the winter things can get slippery but honestly with proper equipment it's no trouble. 

It has great views. No matter if you are on the ground or on a mountain you will get a great view anywhere. Frisco's main attraction is its marina which is beautiful and can be seen from most of the mountains. The views are better in the summer but  are still amazing in the winter . It may be hot in the summer but it's worth the hike.

It has great views. If you have spent any time in Colorado you would know it has great views. Some great places in Frisco are the marina, Main Street and rainbow lake. These places have great views of the lake and the mountains. Most of these places are within a mile vicinity of each other which is another great thing about frisco. Frisco has great views especially in the summer.

It has many dogs. You will see them everywhere, in stores, on walks even while having dinner.  There are a ton of parks for a town of Friscos size; it has more than enough to accommodate all the dogs of Frisco. While you may be wondering if hotels in frisco accept dogs. YES they absolutely do almost all of the hotels in frisco accept them. So if you are not a dog person maybe consider picking a different vacation spot.

It’s way higher up so bring sunscreen. You can get a crazy sunburn if you are up there for too long without sunscreen. Uv rays can increase by 4 to 8 percent every 300m in elevation so sunscreen is crucial. Frisco Colorado is at an elevation of 9097 feet so the UV rays are no joke. While sunscreen doesn’t get much better after 30 fps it's still better to get the highest fps possible. Sun cancer is very dangerous and can be deadly. It is most common after many sunburns.

It’s a small town. With a population of only 3000 you can bet you can find parking. The main streets of the town only stretch about a mile. It’s also very touristy with a permanent population of 42 percent. If you're looking for a trip it would be pretty easy to get a house for a short amount of time. If you're looking for a reservation at a restaurant you can bet on getting it. So in conclusion its small and low population so you can bet on having low lines and on time reservations.

It has great food. With tons of types of food and tons of restaurants. On Main Street there are at least 15 establishments all within a mile of each other. if you’re only there for a few days you need to try the butterhorn, log cabin and the cuisine. Most restaurants are locally owned and operated so you're giving your money to something that matters. In conclusion there’s great locally owned food.

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