What It Means to be an American Essay Example

📌Category: Philosophy, United States, World
📌Words: 403
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 07 August 2022

According to the commonly used standard dictionary, an American is a native or citizen of the United States, but what does it truly mean to be a true, thorough American? To be an American is to fulfill the opportunities, freedoms, and rights given and earned to an American citizen.

To implement the essence of an American is to be free. Relating back to our class discussion, the mural ¨Stepping into the American Dream¨ painted by Xavier Cortada, showcases how as a country based on individual freedom, all Americans have the given right to pursue life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Having the ability to do what one pleases, how one chooses, and where one chooses. Although Americans have strayed from the ideals created by the founding fathers, and became more individualistic, independent, and some may even describe it as selfish, the amendments of the constitution that analyze people as Americans are what give them those freedoms: freedom of speech, religion, press, etc. 

Moreover, America and opportunity are often correlated together, but what does this mean for Americans? Opportunity is one of our country’s most cherished and valuable national assets.The opportunity of America inspires each generation of Americans to fulfill the entirety of their potential as an American. Fulfilling this promise not only benefits each person individually, but also society as a whole. In order to capitalize on our nation’s potential, it must be ensured that the doors of opportunity are open to all Americans as they work to move forward together. 

In relation to the United States Constitution, the rights earned as an American citizen are also declared in the constitution among the Bill Of Rights.  It guarantees civil rights and liberties to the people—like the right to petition, trial by jury, bear arms, and the right to a speedy trial. It sets rules for the process of law and reserves all powers not delegated to the Federal Government, to the American people, or the States. Having these rights is one of the primary attractions in folk striving to become an American citizen of their own.  

In conclusion, America was founded on the idea that all men are created equal, and that there will be liberty and justice for all. Being an American is much more than just being an American citizen or living in America. People in America have a responsibility, and an obligation to be the best version of a citizen they can be, and do their part to keep society running properly. A true American, one who is to fulfill the opportunities, freedoms, and rights given and earned to an American citizen.

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