The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation Essay Example

📌Category: Americas, Culture, World
📌Words: 520
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 03 July 2022

Native Americans are an amazing people with an amazing society. Even in the face of oppression, they keep celebrating their unique cultures and traditions. The Confederated Tribes of Umatilla Reservation is one group of tribes. They have a fascinating culture and are an amazing people, advanced and ready for anything

The CTUIR (Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation) made up of three different peoples: the Walla Walla, Umatilla (pronounced You-Muh-Till-Uh), and the Cayuse tribes.  They were independent tribes living peacefully until the USA came along. The government forced them together and made them sign the treaty of June 9th, 1855. This treaty moved them onto the Umatilla Reservation. The three tribes merged, and they became the CTUIR.

They were all moved to the reservation, which is just east of Pendleton, OR. Pendleton is around Northeast Oregon, and very near Pilot Rock,a city in Umatilla county. There they started a society, which evolved into the CTUIR we know today..

The native Americans spoke many different languages, but eventually created one for all of them, Nixyáawii (pronounced Nic-Yah-We). Another language they speak is the Southern Sahaptin dialect.

Everyone needs to eat. So do the tribes. They hunt deer and other animals, and fish. The women harvest bulbs, roots, and berries. These are taken back to the longhouses, which are the normal housing for the people of the tribes.

The CTUIR has many great traditions. One is their way of honoring traditional foods: Root Feast. This happens every spring. Another tradition is celebrating the Washat (Seven Drums) religion. Many of the CTUIR celebrate this religion. The CTUIR also hosts Pow-Wows for celebration. These are amazing events to witness!

The CTUIR also owns many businesses. One that stands out is Wildhorse Casino. This casino is located on tribal land, meaning the tribe gets the earnings. The casino receives favorable reviews by visitors, and is comparable to another Native American owned casino, Spirit Mountain Casino.

Another standout business is Cayuse Holdings (also known as Cayuse Technologies). This business was created in 2018, and has since split into a line of businesses, which allowed the tribe to expand their business into the technology service industry. They also participate in government contraction, which means that they provide goods and services to the government and its industries.

The CTUIR has a unique culture. Most of them celebrate the Washat religion (as mentioned above).  Another big part of their culture is drumming and singing.  To them, it’s more than entertainment. Many of the songs relate to their religion, and each has a meaning. Some are just stories. Some honor birth and death. Some honor traditional foods, but all of them are special to the tribes. Music and dances are an important staple of all Native American cultures, and all tribes have unique music and dances. Their music tells a unique story that is passed down through generations.

The CTUIR were known for their horsemanship. They still have many unique connections to horses. One example is how in 1980, they owned 20 thousand horses! Another cool fact is that sometimes they trade horses instead of money. However, they are still a very advanced tribal group.

The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation are an amazing group of tribes. They are able to keep going, no matter what happens, and they are important to make Oregon the unique and amazing state we know it to be.

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