Persuasive Essay On Same Sex Parenting

📌Category: Family, Social Issues, United States, World
📌Words: 432
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 20 April 2021

The American family no longer has a dominant form. We have evolved from the privileged norm, the nuclear family, to a diverse ray of new families that triggers a feeling of lost traditions to some of close mindedness. Their beliefs see this evolution of the nuclear family in a whole nother light; one that is explosive and dangerous. A nuke family if you will. This nuke family bomb was dropped causing an explosion that gave a chance for its vast and unique array of arrangements to grow. We not only see mom and dad, but mom and mom, dad and dad, or mom taking on two roles and vice versa. Still, the judging glare of those with chosen traditions to uphold and laughable entitlement live among a progressive world who have no intention of warfare.

It seems as though these new ideas have threatened the white picket fence and the seemingly perfect family in front of it. Of course there is nothing wrong with this image per se, it’s just that there needs to be an understanding that there could be a family next door with that same white picket fence but instead a father and his two kids are standing in front of it. An understanding that just because something is different does not mean it is broken or failing.

There is worry when it comes to the children in these nuke homes, but I wonder if the worry stems from actual care or unacceptance of different family arrangements and how they look in their family photo. A child is not at risk because they have divorced parents, and step family members. They are at risk when their parents cannot care and nurture them, when they cannot offer hope or get on the right track.  Instead of looking at a family and judging by their look in a family photo, let’s judge based on what kind of support system is implemented, let’s find what is failing in terms of finance, and what we can do to help change their lives - not by judgement of no father or no mother being in the picture, or two moms side by side, or assuming children are unhappy because of their parent’s ‘failed marriage’. The book cover is not important, the contents is, and offering help to whoever needs it, because these traditional nuclear families do not exempt you from problems and imperfection. They have and never will be perfect, no family ever will be exactly.

This nuke family bomb was not dropped at once, there is no surprise in its progression. The only thing damaging is staying the same because change is inevitable. It’s time we start accepting that, especially if that change is allowing families to be however they want as long as they are happy.

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