Persuasive Essay Example on School Funding

📌Category: Education, School, United States, World
📌Words: 390
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 15 July 2022

Having the right to be enrolled in school is a privilege since many children nationwide do not have access to education. Living in a family where education comes first, my educational experience has been physically and mentally exhausting, but it has been rewarding at the same time. Although it is a privilege to be enrolled in school, everything about the US education system has to be reformed, beginning with school funding.

Schools with low funding and support tend to affect students’ academic performance. If school administrations manage their funds efficiently, they achieve better results, such as higher grades, greater graduation percentages, and other measures of academic success. More funding additionally contributes to ensuring that students are exposed to schools with stronger facilities and a wider range of curriculum opportunities. As a student who comes from a school with Title I funding, the money given is not enough. Although there are programs to help prepare for college, I feel as though there are not as many opportunities in a school where many children come from low-income households. Students from low-income households have to work harder to meet college standards, and without the necessary support and access to academic resources that the district does not offer due to low funding, it is often difficult to meet the standards. 

Furthermore, schools with inadequate funding jeopardize the future of talented students who are already at a disadvantage due to low income. Oftentimes, students living in low-income neighborhoods attend underfunded schools. This reduces their opportunities to have a good education and be successful in life. In society, having a good education is important because those who have one have more opportunities in life and have higher incomes. Societies with higher percentages of academic completion have lower crime rates and better life quality. Increasing school funding can help provide students with well-prepared teachers and school staff and enhanced instructional time, which can lead to improved student results and success later in life. 

Receiving a proper education is crucial in our academic and social lives, and in order to have a proper education, a school needs a sufficient amount of money. Giving more funds to schools that are underfunded can provide students with a variety of opportunities for them to be successful in life. An increase in school funding will not only reduce high school dropout rates but will also eliminate the achievement gap between low-income and high-income students. Therefore, the first step to remodeling the US education system to make it stronger is by increasing the amount given to school funds.

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