Personal Essay Example: My Interest In Computer Science

📌Category: Education, Science, Technology
📌Words: 675
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 August 2022

“Technology is the powerful weapon you can use to change the world.”  I was fascinated by technology and its integration into our daily lives. This innate passion of mine was unusual and not just limited to computers. Instead, this enthusiasm was the driving force within myself, driving me every day to explore something new about this underlying cutting-edge science. My madness to study this field has begun. All I knew was that I was so fascinated by computers and their usage. 

My passion for computers and their use, began when I was in fourth grade. but apparently, I was unaware of the program at the time. The teachers informed me and encouraged me to improve my skills, especially by introducing advanced mathematics and science. As I grew up fascinated by this technology, I learned to some extent, including topics and streams that I should focus on to further improve my knowledge and skills. And I've been studying science with enthusiasm and diligence, I was convinced that I would choose the same one more deeply in the further grades. Regular school exhibitions and the Olympics made the learning process and healthy competitions interesting. I made a website using HTML in an assignment. Through all the efforts I have spent, I acquired a 91% percentile in my senior year. I have concluded my secondary education at Narayana Junior College, one of the famous schools in Hyderabad. I also attended online courses related to the introduction of machine learning and programming. I have participated and scored state-level ranks in various exams conducted. I built an online portfolio to show as well as improve my skills in photography, which received a huge response in my locality and is still up and running.

In addition to the academic part, I participated in regional sports and won titles in athletics like Running, Long Jump, and High Jump. I also actively engage in extracurricular activities, so I have participated in several dance competitions and performed four acts from the epic tale Mahabharata, and I played the character of Lord Krishna. 

Computer Science holds immense potential as a life-saving tool in the hands of first responders. My journey in Computer science began with the help of the internet by learning the fundamentals of C programming. 

Through A Bachelor’s degree in this subject, I want to learn to develop a program efficiently to create a better future.  I look forward to enrolling in the Undergraduate program in computer science engineering at your highly respected university. This graduate program in the engineering of computational science provides in-depth knowledge of the subjects I am studying. I am confident that this program will lead me to become a prime computer engineer. 

This prestigious university has the best curriculum for the program I chose, prioritizing the personal and professional growth of the students and allowing them to express themselves, so the appropriate one I chose.

It looked like the perfect university. life. Teachers are student-friendly and help answer questions during sessions. My goal is to acquire as much knowledge and skills as possible through projects, assignments, courses work, and more. There is also international exposure, so you can connect and learn while working as a team. Therefore, this university will lead me to my dream career. A very mixed culture seems like a more suitable and comfortable destination to continue my studies. Finally, the important fact is that the academic system there places the highest priority on the research approach. These aspects are very direct in the United States, which is the best choice for realizing my dreams. As I complete this program, I strive to illuminate all the possibilities I have in my studies. And with countless opportunities in this area, I can be sure that my goal of working as a chief Software engineer will be achieved. I am aware of the kind of dedication, and Concentration I will have to show over the years. I feel that I am adequately prepared for that, both in having technical qualifications and the right mindset. My interest in the field of Computer Science and my eagerness to pursue a bachelor’s in the field strengthened when I came across this university. So, if you allow continuing my studies at your respected university, I guarantee that I will be fully committed to learning and acquiring knowledge while improving my skills in academic terms and better personality as an individual.

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