Humanities and Science as University Majors Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education, Science
📌Words: 434
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 11 September 2021

Science is the state of knowing, It is systematized knowledge about particular field. Science helps to understand how the world works and it will help us to build our knowledge base. studying science opens a whole world of possibilities as there are so much variety in what to learn and develop. It challenges the brain to become sharper, so we can find possible solutions to all the problems. Studying science has numerous benefits such as creating new knowledge and increasing quality of our lives. At universities when students learn subjects like biology, physics and chemistry they got clear understanding of the world they live in. however, what is needed at universities is the studying humanity which helps us to understand our identity as a society and culture.  

Science is one of the oldest and most important academic disciplines and covers a wide variety of subjects. It helps to understand the world around us and everything we know about the universe. For university students with degree in a  scientific area are usually highly prized and a science degree enable graduates to go into well paid jobs. However, university majors such as humanities help students develop an understanding of cultural diversity and their historical and philosophical influences that have contributed to our present culture.

Science provide evidence against an assertation, it has high degree of confidence or validity in certain things. But humanity help students to promote their abilities to analyze , synthesis , discuss and write about cultural values and the various ethical approaches to social and political issues in our society. 

Science is against of disease. By the invention of science and ceaseless effort of scientists , disease such as cancer would be incurable. Also, technology which is practical science make our daily work easier. It minimized our hardship and gas increased pleasure and comfort for example in business a computer has information about all his clients. although science has  brought many unique  benefits to humanity, But nowadays what our world needs  is humanity. Humanity courses teach students to communicate effectively with each other and work in team. Its not surprise that many of the most effective leaders from industry to politics to media are majored in humanities , it gives students to navigate the work environment and promotion path. Humanity teach us who we are, its draws us away from the simple truths of ideologies. At  the deeper level it teach us the many a life of purpose, virtue and fulfilment.

To sum up, the capacity to untie in the investigation of truth for advancement of civilization requires the harmony of science and humanity. Science is the only way to know. At universities  by studying scientific subjects students can have a clear understanding of the world and humanity helps them to understand the society and culture.

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