Disadvantages of Remote Learning Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Learning
📌Words: 479
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 04 August 2022

Parents all over the world are facing issues of sending their children to school during the COVID-19 pandemic. This results in kids learning through devices at home virtually. Remote learning has proven to cause dreadful effects on mental health, stopping important social developments in a person's life and creating poor motivation and interest in education. It is important for parents, teachers, and students to understand the harms and disadvantages of remote learning.

A very challenging view of remote learning is keeping your mental health in check. Students are more stressed now than ever due to the state the world is in and having to stare at a screen for 7 hours a day first thing in the morning is making the situation worse. Although self isolation does not sound awful in theory, once practiced it is easy to understand why isolation is the worst punishment for prisoners in the country. The issue this brings into remote learning is that for certain kids, school is their only escape. Self isolation drastically negatively affects the mental state of an average person and is currently one of the leading causes of mental illness around the world but for a child the effects are worsened by remote learning. Additionally, due to the increased screen time, kids are more reliant on technology than they ever have before. This causes numerous dangerous effects for overall well being and increases the rates of mental illness already caused by the pandemic. It is important to acknowledge the negative impacts of remote learning.

Another challenging view of remote learning is the lack of social activities kids and adolescents have access to. A lot of students were anticipating after school activities, sports clubs and extracurricular events; due to remote learning, students can no longer participate in these activities. This also greatly affects their abilities to develop social skills and follow social cues by being restricted from engaging with their classmates and friends. Kids are also missing things like walking to class and engaging with friends or having small talk with a teacher; these mundane and seemingly insignificant interactions add up and cause an even greater lack of socializing. This can greatly affect students' mental and physical health because they are forced to stay at home.

Lastly, remote learning can result in students finding it difficult to stay motivated. Often students don't participate or listen to class because it is more difficult to stay focused online. For those who don't have the self-motivation, they tend to skip assignments and lessons which results in them falling behind or failing. The lack of face to face interactions with teachers has also made it increasingly difficult for students to get clarification or even understand the lessons being taught in class. With all these difficulties, it is challenging for students to stay motivated about remote learning.

In conclusion, there are several harms and disadvantages to remote learning. It is not the best style of learning and can deeply affect students' lives. The mental health and social skills of students is inadequate, along with their motivation towards education. Remote learning can be very challenging for some and can present risks.

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