Reflection Essay Sample: How Necessary Is a College Education?

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 697
📌Pages: 3
📌Published: 03 July 2022

A lot of people think that they don’t need a college education to be successful. This may be true for some people who became successful without a college education but not everyone can become successful without a college degree. I don’t agree with anyone that says that a college education won’t help them because a college education can help you get further in your career path and can make you make more money. Even if someone is doing well financially now there are many reasons why they need to get some type of education for them to maintain a higher quality of life. A college education prepares people to stand out more in something that they are already successful at, get a higher paying job, and gain financial security to get skills to do better at their current job. 

These days kids and adults are starting to get money through social media and the internet, a few even make millions of dollars.  This causes them to think that they don’t need to go to college because they are already successful, but most of the people who are getting famous on social media are young, so they became successful when they are young, but still have a long life ahead of them. I feel like they never really think about what they are going to do with their life when they are no longer popular and don’t make the same amount of money on the internet. This is why it is a good reason to get a college degree, not necessarily a four-year degree, but at least a two-year degree or specialized training. As said by the Geneva College to make you stand out more on YouTube you can get college degrees in marketing, communication design, digital media, and psychology (Geneva College). So these are a few degrees that take less time to complete but can still help you in the future if you need them. 

The more of an education that you get the more chances of you getting a higher paying job. On the U.S Bureau of labor statistics website, the Median usual weekly earnings for someone with a high school diploma but no college degree is $712 but with an associate degree it is $836, a bachelor’s degree is $1,173, masters is $1,401, and doctoral is $1,743 (Torpey). These statics show that the more degrees that you earn, the more you can get paid. This also shows that employers value education because they are willing to pay people with a degree more than without one. Even those who don’t necessarily get a degree, but receive additional skills training will be paid more. There are many jobs out there that you don’t require a college degree but there are probably more chances of you making more money with a college degree. Especially recently people are finding different ways to get more money by using the internet which does not require a college degree.

College isn’t only about getting a better paycheck, you can also gain a lot of other assets and skills from college. College is an experience like no other and you can get invaluable experiences from it (University of the People). You learn social skills when you participate in clubs and volunteer opportunities. College does help you a lot with jobs that you are going to get in the future so that you have more knowledge on stuff than the ones that didn’t get a college education. The skills that college builds like critical thinking, leadership, professionalism, and career and self-development help you get a step ahead of all your employees (Western Michigan University). College is hard and can be mentally and physically challenging for a lot of people but in the long run, it is for the best. 

In my opinion, a college education helps you with so many things that you don’t even realize. It can help you stand out more doing something that you love, gives you more chances of getting a higher paying job, and builds up other skills and assets. The college has way more positive benefits than negative benefits and a lot of teens don’t want to go to college anymore because it’s too much work and they think it is not worth it. But that is not true and it should be encouraged more to go to college. The college experience can build confidence and prepare people for many life experiences so that is why it is necessary to get a college education.

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