The Importance of High School and College Essay Example

📌Category: Education, Higher Education
📌Words: 465
📌Pages: 2
📌Published: 18 September 2021

High school and college are a fundamental part of life that helps you get into adulthood, better jobs, or just a better education. High school is important to us because that’s what colleges look at to see if you’re the right person for their school and if your smart enough. In this essay I’ll be talking about why high school is important in your life, why going to school in the first place is important, and how going to college might be a good idea for you. 

High school is important for you because it teaches you important life skills and soft skills that will help you in the long run. Some skills you’ll probably learn during high school are problem-solving, analytical, critical thinking, teamwork, leadership and more. Also, during high school, you could make new friends or do what you like to do like sports or some other extracurricular activities. And overall try to get good grades because colleges and future employers will look back on your high school profile. 

Why is going to school good in the first place? Well, my answer to that is knowledge is power. Think about it humans have evolved so far during time that we know how to build machines and robots that are 10 times smarter as we are. Also, no matter how athletic or strong you are you will never beat a well build machine. Take this for an example, we made cars that can go 10 times faster than the worlds fastest person. And no matter how fast you can swim or how far or high you can jump you will never be able to beat a well-built speed boat or rocket ship. That’s why knowledge is power and why going to school and doing well in school is far better than just being athletic or just good at sport in my option.  

College is also a good idea because just like high school you get to meet new people, learn skills, and get good education. Some good reasons why going to college is a good idea is that college graduates earn more on average than someone with only a high school diploma. Also, workers with a college degree are less likely to face unemployment than a high school diploma. But there are some downsides of going to college and one downside is the student loans. There is also a chance for you to go into student debt but there is also a chance for you to pay it off because you finished college and got your diploma so you can find a job suited for your likings.

In conclusion high school and college is a good way to get the best education and can help you throughout your entire life like all the skills you learned during school and finding a well-suited job. So overall I would really consider going to school and actually trying your best in school because school can affect what happens to your future.

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