Essay Sample on Student Rights

đź“ŚCategory: Education, Higher Education, Life, Myself
đź“ŚWords: 279
đź“ŚPages: 2
đź“ŚPublished: 24 July 2022

My student rights let’s discus the 3 main rights you need to know. This will be speech rights, dress codes, and disability rights. 

Let’s start with speech rights. The first amendment states and ensures that students cannot and will not be punished for exercising their free speech rights, this stands even if a school administrators don’t approve of what they’re saying. Unfortunately, there are some spots of legal protections that are weak, in which schools threaten student speech and privacy. They are doing this by requiring them to reveal the contents of social media accounts, laptops cellphones, and other personal technologies. But the ACLU is fighting for new laws to provide stronger student privacy protections. ACLU means American Civil Liberties Union. 

Secondly let’s talk about dress codes. While schools are aloud to establish dress code, students have a right to express themselves. dress codes are often used to target or shame girls. Force students to conform to gender stereotypes and to punish students who ware countercultural and political messages. Some of these policies can be used for covering racial discrimination, by targeting people of color because of supposed “gang” symbols or by waring natural hair styles or extensions. Dress codes can also infringe on student religious rights by wearing head scarves, barring rosaries, or other religious symbols. 

Lastly, disability rights. Federal law prohibits public schools from discriminating against people with disabilities. They can’t deny equal access to academic courses, extracurricular activities, field trips, school technology, and health services. Schools have a duty to protect kids with disabilities from bullying, and not just them should get protected from bullying everyone should be protected from bullying. 

These are just 3 main rights there is also LGBT, immigrant, pregnancy discrimination, and more. But today we discussed speech, dress code, and disability rights. These are yours and my student rights.

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